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The Hanging Bodies Return |
I was reluctant to re-report the murders/executions/intentional homicides in our region after Lunatic Trump's recent Nuremberg Rally where he foamed at the mouth and proclaimed the USA must construct a wall, that he must receive immediate funding with threats of shutting down the government if he didn't receive it and it better be fast because Mexico's violence was out of control.
To make matters worse, if you go to the Breitbart site, land of the idiots, you will see article after article taken from the Mexican press: "Tijuana: 14 dead in ten hours !", and more to the same degree.
So, the ultra right has been focused on the carnage in our region, but not with good intentions or even hinting at the slightest suggestions that the drugs should be legalized, the United States needs to control the weapons flow into Mexico, or that drug treatment and education facilities desperately need to be established in the United States. Never will you hear them admit that the US reinforcement and support of the militarization in Mexico simply added fuel to the fire, it did not help at all - or, for that matter neither did the US support of the outrageous chopping off the heads of the hydra policy which only caused more violence and fragmentation.
After all, the United States is at least three quarters responsible for the mayhem in Mexico. Yet, their solution is to build a wall and I'm assuming, shoot all the drug addicts.
Zeta summarizes the death toll under the reign of Pena, blasts the government at all levels and recaps this years totals for Tijuana, giving a YTD total for the city of 1,447 dead. Zeta states, "Tijuana...is now plunged into horror".
January: 191
February: 177
March: 184
April: 212
May: 216
June: 221
July: 246
Zeta - 08/01/18
El Violento Mexico de Pena y Sus 131 Mil Ejecutados
Por, Adela Navarro Bello
With more sordid details of the killings throughout the city due to the war between the CJNG, Sinaloa and what is left of the CAF; the killing of another police officer, the shoot out in Playas, the hanging corpse, the mutilations, the dirty cop and the July month end toll rising to 251 dead Zeta's investigative reporters states:
" Violence and crime in Tijuana have exceeded their own records and instilled terror in a society with overrun authorities and without leadership."
"Executions in commercial or luxury residential areas, a police riddled with weapons of high power, bodies hung from a bridge or mutilated left in busy avenues; children injured in crossfire, the murder of a baby and her mother in Playas de Tijuana, are just some stories that took over the last week of the most violent month in the history of the city"
Zeta - 08/06/18
Tijuana; Estado Fallido
Adding this - I was down with and recovering from pneumonia when these reports from Zeta & Frontera broke, my knee popped then we both had food poisoning, it has been a shitty summer.
A report picked up by Small Wars Journal on the drone attack on 07/10/18 in Tecate with local references to Zeta, Angel F. Gonzalez of Frontera and El Mexicano:
Mexico Cartel Tactical Note#38: Armed Drone Targets the Baja California Public Safety Secretary's Residence in Tecate, Mexico
By, John D. Sullivan, Robert J. Bunker & David A Kuhn
Where do we go from here? Already in Tijuana this month of August we are well over thirty executions just in Tijuana and the dope is pushing through like a raging storm up through San Quintin, Ensenada, Rosarito and through Tecate and Mexicali - not just weed, but the big guns - heroin, cocaine,meth, precursors: all for the USA decades long well established market.
All eyes are on Presidente-elect AMLO.
Here are just a sample of editorials to give you a feel for the moment:
From Frontera: Pasted
When Good Will Turn Into Anger
Eduardo Ruiz-Healy
"53% of Mexicans voted for Andrés Manuel López Obrador, but the percentage of people who trust that it will solve several of the problems that afflict us is higher, according to a survey conducted between July 19 and 22, by the Diario defeño Reforma with the co-sponsorship of COPARMEX.
On what will improve during the presidency of AMLO, the respondents answered the following (in parentheses the percentage of those who answered this is noted): the economy of the country (62%), the quality of education (61%), the quality of health services (60%), quality of life (57%), personal and family security (54%), the family and family economy (53%) and law enforcement (52%) .
More than half of the respondents said they will reduce government corruption (55%), poverty (53%) and violence (51%).
The expectation is that things will improve after the tragic dozen that the country has suffered during the period 2006-2018. 62% of respondents said they had hope for the AMLO government and 68% said they felt optimistic about the future of Mexico.
They have a very good opinion about the president-elect, 62% of the respondents, which means that in less than a month this increased their acceptance by nine percentage points over 53% of those who voted for him. His speeches on July 1 and the announcements he made during the 17 days that followed his election surely attracted many who voted for other presidential candidates to his cause. His 12 legislative proposals, his 50 general guidelines for the fight against corruption and the application of an austerity policy, and almost all the designations he has made of future officials of his government, were very well received.
The expectations that AMLO has generated in just over six out of 10 people are very high, which will force their administration to begin to demonstrate, in a very short time, that it can resolve those issues that most concern the population: violence, corruption, poverty, insecurity, low economic growth, inequality, mediocre education, terrible health services, among others.
It is difficult to determine how long the majority of Mexicans with the president-elect will last today. It is not risky to affirm that the sentiment will persist as long as these Mexicans believe that the decisions and actions of the next administration are resolving, even minimally, the problems caused by the matters noted in the previous paragraph.
The honeymoon between President López Obrador and his governed could end if after a certain time, say six months, the delinquency rates are not reversed. If the rates of homicides, kidnappings, extortions, robberies and other crimes do not fall appreciably, goodwill will turn into anger and optimism into disappointment."

8/6/2018 -
A reminder to check the links on current local events and editorials:
Zeta Daily News - Noticias Del Dia
Zeta Reportajez
Frontera Policiaca twitter
Meanwhile, the heat. Sixty five people have died in Baja California from the heat, and it is terrible. How are ya'll adjusting to Global Warming? Around here as far as we know, Baja Malibu, Playa Blanca and SADM ocean waters are still contaminated. A suggestion: drive down to Playa Saldamando (K94) if you want to jump in the water. It's a tiny beach, but clean and wear booties because of the rocks and urchins. Go for it now because in the winter the water is very cold due to the currents. It is so beautiful, you may even completely forget you are living in a war zone and not want to leave. Oopsie, that's what we said more than 25 years ago.
I've been giving Paris cool Calily Life Organic Lavendar & Camomile bubble baths. Bob is fed up and just sprawls on his back.
Okay AMLO. don't break the spell....
On what will improve during the presidency of AMLO, the respondents answered the following (in parentheses the percentage of those who answered this is noted): the economy of the country (62%), the quality of education (61%), the quality of health services (60%), quality of life (57%), personal and family security (54%), the family and family economy (53%) and law enforcement (52%) .
More than half of the respondents said they will reduce government corruption (55%), poverty (53%) and violence (51%).
The expectation is that things will improve after the tragic dozen that the country has suffered during the period 2006-2018. 62% of respondents said they had hope for the AMLO government and 68% said they felt optimistic about the future of Mexico.
They have a very good opinion about the president-elect, 62% of the respondents, which means that in less than a month this increased their acceptance by nine percentage points over 53% of those who voted for him. His speeches on July 1 and the announcements he made during the 17 days that followed his election surely attracted many who voted for other presidential candidates to his cause. His 12 legislative proposals, his 50 general guidelines for the fight against corruption and the application of an austerity policy, and almost all the designations he has made of future officials of his government, were very well received.
The expectations that AMLO has generated in just over six out of 10 people are very high, which will force their administration to begin to demonstrate, in a very short time, that it can resolve those issues that most concern the population: violence, corruption, poverty, insecurity, low economic growth, inequality, mediocre education, terrible health services, among others.
It is difficult to determine how long the majority of Mexicans with the president-elect will last today. It is not risky to affirm that the sentiment will persist as long as these Mexicans believe that the decisions and actions of the next administration are resolving, even minimally, the problems caused by the matters noted in the previous paragraph.
The honeymoon between President López Obrador and his governed could end if after a certain time, say six months, the delinquency rates are not reversed. If the rates of homicides, kidnappings, extortions, robberies and other crimes do not fall appreciably, goodwill will turn into anger and optimism into disappointment."
Denisse Dresser
"Mexico in full reconciliation. Mexico installed in the policy of forgiveness. Mexico leaving behind old fights to inaugurate new agreements. This is demonstrated by the praises, compliments and good wishes exchanged between AMLO and José Antonio Meade in a debated breakfast. Ruthless enemies now turned into friendly interlocutors. The antisystemic now endorsing who represented him. The destroyer of the old regime talking to the person who supported it. And that is good not only because it involves healing wounds, rebuilding burned bridges, replacing incendiary derision with deliberative debate. The President-elect with 53 percent of the vote seeks to govern for the other 47 percent who did not vote in his favor. Signs of advancement, of maturity, of understanding about how democracy works; neither the winner wins everything nor the loser loses everything.
But the meeting takes out ampules for other reasons. Remember the pending, the unfinished, what remains to be done. The past is still present. Although Meade today is already cataloged as an "honorable" and "decent" man, the PRI regime for which he worked is still there, unpunished and untouched. Although Bartlett today has been redeemed for his defense of the energy sector in recent years, his role in the Buendia case and the 1988 fraud remains hidden, unexplored and indefensible. Both are examples of the impunity that the incoming government must fight if it really seeks to break with the past. It would have to face it, not ignore it. It would be necessary to investigate it, not to cover it. It is not about starting a witch hunt, but to show the abuses and corruption of the State to avoid its repetition. Reconciliation is not at odds with accountability; the Fourth Transformation should not mean forced amnesia. If instead of truth and justice, AMLO opts for forgiveness and forgetfulness, we will be condemned to repeat what we do not punish.
That State unpunished since 1968 and "El Halconazo" and the dirty war of the 70s and the "patriotic fraud" of 1986 in Chihuahua and the "fall of the system" in 1988. That rapacious state that -speed capitalism and unionism corporate-was eating the profits of Pemex, buying customers, financing privileges. That corrupt state that in the current administration was more than ever with the White House and Odebrecht and the Master Scam and OHL and the detours to Duarte and the governors under investigation and the ghost companies of Sedesol and the political use of Ramo 23, between so many more corruptions. That past that, as William Faulkner suggests, "He is never dead, he is not even past." He is still alive because the worst behaviors that characterize him have not been aired or sanctioned. And if AMLO offers a "clean slate", it will be impossible to build a democratic future on the foundations of a denied and forgotten past.
That's what Vicente Fox did: break the promise to create a Truth Commission to investigate his predecessors, as long as he does not incur the wrath of the PRI. It promoted reconciliation and also allowed impunity. That is why the secrets, the abuses, the corruption and the violence perpetrated by the State itself continued. And continue. As it happens today with Odebrecht and Emilio Lozoya; with Sedesol and José Antonio Meade; with Gobernación and Bartlett; with Hacienda and Duarte. If each of these emblematic cases is not thoroughly investigated and sanctioned, corruption will continue even if the President at the door is an honest and incorruptible man. It is not a matter of personal morality but of institutional incentives; It is not a matter of sweeping the stairs but of remodeling the house.
That would entail -among other changes- a reform to the constitutional Article 102 so that today's rotten PGR will be transformed into the #Surveillance Office of tomorrow. A professional, autonomous institution that investigates the present in real time and the past with no expiration date for the corrupt. And for those who say that dealing with the past does not belong to AMLO, while citing the Bible to justify the forgiveness of sins, one should remember the campaign promises, the hopes that were raised, the expectations generated. Those who voted for López Obrador deserve to know what happened so that it no longer happens. Yesterday he walks with us - wrote William Golding - and only by looking where we fall as a country will we avoid stumbling again."
But the meeting takes out ampules for other reasons. Remember the pending, the unfinished, what remains to be done. The past is still present. Although Meade today is already cataloged as an "honorable" and "decent" man, the PRI regime for which he worked is still there, unpunished and untouched. Although Bartlett today has been redeemed for his defense of the energy sector in recent years, his role in the Buendia case and the 1988 fraud remains hidden, unexplored and indefensible. Both are examples of the impunity that the incoming government must fight if it really seeks to break with the past. It would have to face it, not ignore it. It would be necessary to investigate it, not to cover it. It is not about starting a witch hunt, but to show the abuses and corruption of the State to avoid its repetition. Reconciliation is not at odds with accountability; the Fourth Transformation should not mean forced amnesia. If instead of truth and justice, AMLO opts for forgiveness and forgetfulness, we will be condemned to repeat what we do not punish.
That State unpunished since 1968 and "El Halconazo" and the dirty war of the 70s and the "patriotic fraud" of 1986 in Chihuahua and the "fall of the system" in 1988. That rapacious state that -speed capitalism and unionism corporate-was eating the profits of Pemex, buying customers, financing privileges. That corrupt state that in the current administration was more than ever with the White House and Odebrecht and the Master Scam and OHL and the detours to Duarte and the governors under investigation and the ghost companies of Sedesol and the political use of Ramo 23, between so many more corruptions. That past that, as William Faulkner suggests, "He is never dead, he is not even past." He is still alive because the worst behaviors that characterize him have not been aired or sanctioned. And if AMLO offers a "clean slate", it will be impossible to build a democratic future on the foundations of a denied and forgotten past.
That's what Vicente Fox did: break the promise to create a Truth Commission to investigate his predecessors, as long as he does not incur the wrath of the PRI. It promoted reconciliation and also allowed impunity. That is why the secrets, the abuses, the corruption and the violence perpetrated by the State itself continued. And continue. As it happens today with Odebrecht and Emilio Lozoya; with Sedesol and José Antonio Meade; with Gobernación and Bartlett; with Hacienda and Duarte. If each of these emblematic cases is not thoroughly investigated and sanctioned, corruption will continue even if the President at the door is an honest and incorruptible man. It is not a matter of personal morality but of institutional incentives; It is not a matter of sweeping the stairs but of remodeling the house.
That would entail -among other changes- a reform to the constitutional Article 102 so that today's rotten PGR will be transformed into the #Surveillance Office of tomorrow. A professional, autonomous institution that investigates the present in real time and the past with no expiration date for the corrupt. And for those who say that dealing with the past does not belong to AMLO, while citing the Bible to justify the forgiveness of sins, one should remember the campaign promises, the hopes that were raised, the expectations generated. Those who voted for López Obrador deserve to know what happened so that it no longer happens. Yesterday he walks with us - wrote William Golding - and only by looking where we fall as a country will we avoid stumbling again."
The Leader

06/08/2018 -
Rubén Aguilar V.
"The Spanish philosopher Adela Cortina states that "in principle we could agree that the leadership exerts who leads the way in an activity and is able to drag a respectable number of followers, who imitate him, have him as a reference and in some way trust at". (El País, 05.29.18)
This convention defines the role that among his people plays, also in other groups, the now elected president Andrés Manuel López Obrador. A very important sector of those who voted for him and those who are close to him see him as their leader. He is the one who is at the head, they imitate him, he is a reference and they trust him.
And the professor emeritus of Ethics and Political Philosophy at the University of Valencia adds that a leader "is not simply the president of a government or the general secretary of a political party, because no matter how much he has won the position through the vote, becoming a true leader is a matter of moral authority, not only of the status achieved. " López Obrador among his people and those who voted is an authority and a moral leader. There's no doubt.
Cortina, who is Doctor Honoris Causa of the Jesuit universities in Mexico, affirms that "achieving moral authority (...) means having a nose to grasp the needs and desires of the people, even to create them when people have not yet suspected it, and have I throw enough to embark them into the company to pursue the dream designed. " López Obrador has had a great sense of smell, nobody can deny it, to capture the needs and desires of the people and also to embark his people and those who voted for him in the company to achieve the dream that he has built.
The philosopher, director of the ÉTNOR Foundation, says that "the leadership models have varied a lot from the figure of the charismatic leader, capable of seducing by his force of personal attraction, to the more prosaic demand that, in addition to having a certain charisma, the leader is a competent person, well prepared, efficient, capable of generating trust, with foresight and enthusiasm, but also honest and exemplary. " Does López Obrador seduce his people by his personal charisma or by other attributes? Which of the here raised?
"Enlightened people are dangerous," Cortina says, "because they tend to use their seduction capacity to manipulate emotions for themselves and their group, an even more dangerous procedure when social networks expand the power of manipulation. On the contrary, people with courage and responsibility for the common good are the ones that are needed. And for that reason, leaders who offer good content. "
Will López Obrador, as president, be an enlightened leader or a responsible one? It is something that we will soon see."
This convention defines the role that among his people plays, also in other groups, the now elected president Andrés Manuel López Obrador. A very important sector of those who voted for him and those who are close to him see him as their leader. He is the one who is at the head, they imitate him, he is a reference and they trust him.
And the professor emeritus of Ethics and Political Philosophy at the University of Valencia adds that a leader "is not simply the president of a government or the general secretary of a political party, because no matter how much he has won the position through the vote, becoming a true leader is a matter of moral authority, not only of the status achieved. " López Obrador among his people and those who voted is an authority and a moral leader. There's no doubt.
Cortina, who is Doctor Honoris Causa of the Jesuit universities in Mexico, affirms that "achieving moral authority (...) means having a nose to grasp the needs and desires of the people, even to create them when people have not yet suspected it, and have I throw enough to embark them into the company to pursue the dream designed. " López Obrador has had a great sense of smell, nobody can deny it, to capture the needs and desires of the people and also to embark his people and those who voted for him in the company to achieve the dream that he has built.
The philosopher, director of the ÉTNOR Foundation, says that "the leadership models have varied a lot from the figure of the charismatic leader, capable of seducing by his force of personal attraction, to the more prosaic demand that, in addition to having a certain charisma, the leader is a competent person, well prepared, efficient, capable of generating trust, with foresight and enthusiasm, but also honest and exemplary. " Does López Obrador seduce his people by his personal charisma or by other attributes? Which of the here raised?
"Enlightened people are dangerous," Cortina says, "because they tend to use their seduction capacity to manipulate emotions for themselves and their group, an even more dangerous procedure when social networks expand the power of manipulation. On the contrary, people with courage and responsibility for the common good are the ones that are needed. And for that reason, leaders who offer good content. "
Will López Obrador, as president, be an enlightened leader or a responsible one? It is something that we will soon see."
A reminder to check the links on current local events and editorials:
Zeta Daily News - Noticias Del Dia
Zeta Reportajez
Frontera Policiaca twitter
Meanwhile, the heat. Sixty five people have died in Baja California from the heat, and it is terrible. How are ya'll adjusting to Global Warming? Around here as far as we know, Baja Malibu, Playa Blanca and SADM ocean waters are still contaminated. A suggestion: drive down to Playa Saldamando (K94) if you want to jump in the water. It's a tiny beach, but clean and wear booties because of the rocks and urchins. Go for it now because in the winter the water is very cold due to the currents. It is so beautiful, you may even completely forget you are living in a war zone and not want to leave. Oopsie, that's what we said more than 25 years ago.
I've been giving Paris cool Calily Life Organic Lavendar & Camomile bubble baths. Bob is fed up and just sprawls on his back.
Okay AMLO. don't break the spell....