
Showing posts with label Marcos A. Angula Alvarez. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marcos A. Angula Alvarez. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Latest Local & National COVID-19 & Drug War Stats For May 13, 2020: All Numbers Are On The Rise

Just a bit before noon today, Zeta reported the latest local COVID-19 stats - and believe me, it becomes grueling doing the numbers daily, it just weighs heavy on your heart - so send Zeta a thank you note:

  ~ All reports From Zeta:

BC Rompe Record de Nuevos Casos Positivos en 24 Horas, Fueron 238 
Por, Lourdes Loza Romero 

"In the last twenty-four hours, 238 new cases were confirmed by COVID-19 in Baja California, said the head of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Alonso Pérez Rico, on May 13.

The state official justified the high number at which the Secretariat Laboratory is processing the tests taken at the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), so that in the following days high numbers of confirmed cases will continue to appear.

To date in Baja California there are 2 thousand 762 confirmed cases, of which thousand 359 are from Tijuana, thousand 93 from Mexicali, 127 Ensenada, 124 Tecate, 41 Rosarito and 18 the region of San Quintín-Vicente Guerrero. 

 Of the total, 264 cases are active and of these 12 percent are hospitalized.
There are 669 suspected cases, 337 in Tijuana, 264 in Mexicali, 42 in Tecate, 16 Ensenada, 8 in Rosarito and one more in the San Quintín - Vicente Guerrero region.

As of this Wednesday, 459 deaths have been registered from this new virus, 311 in Tijuana, 107 in Mexicali, 18 Ensenada, 18 Tecate, 4 Rosarito, and one more in the San Quintín - Vicente Guerrero region.

Regarding the "New Normality", Pérez Rico reported that, like the rest of the country, in Baja California the reopening "will be gradual, orderly and cautious", divided into three phases.

The first phase, next May 18, will be for the municipalities of "Esperanza" where no coronavirus cases were registered. The second phase, which is the preparation phase, will be from May 18 to 31. The third phase will be from June 1.

Phase 2, which will be the preparation phase, is in which non-essential companies will have to apply four actions in order to resume their work: 

1.- Preparation of health protocols.
2.- Staff training.
3.- Readjustment of spaces.
4.- Installation of intake and sanitation filters.

He commented that these actions should be permanent, since until there is a vaccine against the new virus, you should not let your guard down.

Pérez Rico also explained that a traffic light will be applied to resume activities, and until this is placed in the green, school activities in person cannot be resumed."


Confirma Secretario de Salud Deceso de Medico Jubilado Diagnosticado con COVID-19
Por, Isabel Mercado 

"In Baja California, the death of the first doctor due to coronavirus was confirmed, but it is a retired doctor, informed the entity's secretary of Health, Alonso Pérez Rico, who specified that more than 160 health workers in the state have tested positive to COVID-19.

"There is a person of medical profession registered as a deceased, we are trying to identify from which institution, he is a retired doctor," he added without specifying the place where the doctor died.
He explained that in Tijuana there was a record of the death of a doctor, a death that "is not related to COVID," he said.

Regarding the number of coronavirus infections registered in health workers, he said that the latest reports show that they have been affected by the pathogen “over 80 nurses and a similar number of doctors, some of them already recovered and others entering In this same premise, where they were asked to take shelter at home due to the policies of the Mexican Social Security Institute, and right now we are going to do the laboratory studies and give them the results. ”

Regarding the disapproval that the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) gave to the decree approved by the previous legislature of the State Congress, to extend the term of government of Jaime Bonilla Valdez from 2 to 5 years, Pérez Rico maintained that " the reduction of the government does not affect the health system ”.

However, he admitted that there were five-year projections, so "in the sense that the project was for five years, the long-term plans will continue like this", waiting for the next state government to follow up on them .

And he added, "...the good programs that were before we entered continued, in a specific case is the rickettsiosis program, those that were not correct, or were not giving results, were replaced by something new and that is the health issue, they value results ”.


 ~ From Yesterday 05/12/20: Ensenada Conditions:

 Brote de seis Empleados Positivos por COVID-19 en Centro de Salud de Ensenada

Por, Marcos A. Angulo Alvarez 

Health personnel with respiratory symptoms were sent home for isolation at home to prevent the spread of this condition. There is none hospitalized

ENSENADA - An outbreak of six positive cases by COVID-19 was detected among employees of the Advanced Center for Primary Health Care (CAAPS) Ruiz and 14 of Ensenada, confirmed this afternoon of Tuesday, May 12, the head of the Health Services Jurisdiction in Ensenada, Ángel Iván Alvarado López.
He explained that on May 8, an outbreak of COVID-19 by SARS COV-2 was identified in six health employees who work in CAAPS Ruiz and 14, who were characterized by presenting headaches, coughs and fever, among other symptoms.
For this reason, he explained, it was necessary to carry out an intentional search for suspicious cases, with the following results:
100% of the health personnel were considered, with acute respiratory symptoms that had the contact history of confirmed cases and respiratory symptoms, taking a total of 48 samples.
Alvarado López indicated that containment actions were carried out immediately, all areas of the unit were sanitized, and health personnel with respiratory symptoms were sent home for isolation at home and thus prevent the spread of this condition.
He mentioned that according to the classification issued by the “Standardized Guidelines for Epidemiological and Laboratory Surveillance of COVID 19”, the clinical picture of the health personnel who manifested any symptoms is slight. Of these, 44.1% of these workers stated that they were asymptomatic, with 13% of them being sampled.
The state official reported that the staff who tested positive, there are none hospitalized, are at home and monitored by the jurisdictional epidemiology area.
He indicated that CAAPS Ruiz and 14, CAAPS Maneadero, General Hospital and the Fever Clinics (Centro de Salud Obrera and Centro de Salud Pórticos del Mar), as well as, the jurisdictional offices, are constantly sanitized by Vector Program personnel, safeguarding the patient and staff health."

The Nation Wide Levels....(Reported at 5:32 this afternoon)

Suman 4 Mil 220 Defunciones de COVID-19 en Mexico
Por, Carlos Alvarez

"Since last February 28 when the first outbreak occurred, until this Wednesday, May 13 (day 52 of the National Day of Healthy Distance), in Mexico there are 40 thousand 186 accumulated confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (COVID- 19), as well as 24 thousand 856 suspects; 83 thousand 455 negatives; 9,378 confirmed assets; and 4,220 deaths, out of a total of 148,497 people studied.

As for the confirmed cases accumulated by federal state of residence, first there is Mexico City, with 10 thousand 946; followed by the State of Mexico, with 6,813; Baja California, with 2,764; Tabasco, with 1,976; and Sinaloa, with a thousand 620.

Of the confirmed cases active by federal state of residence, in the first place is Mexico City, with 2,240; followed by the State of Mexico, 1,244; Tabasco, with 557; Veracruz, with 514; Baja California, with 430; Yucatan, 278; Morelos, with 276; Puebla, with 266; Nuevo León, with 262; and, Sinaloa, with 256.

As reported by José Luis Alomía Zegarra, general director of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health (SSa) of the Federal Government, 31.5 is the national incidence rate of accumulated confirmed cases per 100,000 inhabitants, while 7.33 is the national incidence rate of active cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

As for deaths, there are 318 “suspects”. In addition to there are 1,862 new cases confirmed in 24 hours, which represents a 4.9 percent increase from the previous day, according to the federal official, during the daily follow-up conference regarding the coronavirus pandemic in Mexico.

Regarding hospital occupation in Phase 3 of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) in Mexico, it is at 34 percent of its capacity nationwide. The federal official presented the IRAC (Severe Acute Respiratory Infection) network, which has defined, so far, 723 hospitals.

Since the entry of Phase 3, the 32 state governments have to report to said national platform the local information, which the Federal Government integrates, analyzes and exposes it daily. However, as detailed by Alomía Zegarra, so far, there are only 699 registered health units (97 percent) with their daily situation.

On the other hand, he noted that there are 15,086 COVID beds available nationwide, of which 7,924 (34 percent) are occupied. Among the beds are the intensive care beds, where people with mechanical respiration are cared for.

By federal entity, Baja California has 55 percent of occupied beds and 45 percent available, while in Sinaloa it has 40 percent occupied and 60 percent available, according to the director general of Epidemiology of the Federal Ministry of Health.

On the other hand there are the beds that have a ventilator, to serve critically ill people. Of these, in Baja California there are 38 percent occupied and 62 percent occupied available, while in Sinaloa there are 60 percent occupied beds and 40 percent available."


Local Drug War Stats: TIJ This Month Alone = 75 Deaths

Parece que se Levanton Los Animos a Los Delincuentes y estan Dandose Vuelo": Bonilla, Tras Reportan 12 Homicidios en BC

"For the second consecutive day, Baja California experienced a violent day. In the last 48 hours in the entity there have been 25 murders, for which Governor Jaime Bonilla Valdez declared in his morning videoconference on May 13: “We continue with the fight to lower the homicide rate, but with all this contingency (COVID19), it seems that the spirits of criminals have risen and they have been flying. ”

Between the morning of Tuesday, May 12 and the first minutes of this day, 12 executions were dated in the state, 10 of them in Tijuana and two in Playas de Rosarito.

The number of intentional homicides in Baja California, according to statistics from the State Security and Investigation Guard, amounts to 997 victims so far in 2020.

The GESI reported that, among the latest events recorded in Tijuana, the following stand out:

First, at 08:25 a.m. on Monday, in a vacant lot located on Calle 1, corner with Calle Las Fuentes, in front of the Guillermo González Camarena Primary School, in the Cañadas del Florido neighborhood, a body was found that was covered in rubble.

In the afternoon, around 1:40 p.m. in the area of ​​the hill on Calle San Ignacio and Germán Warner, Colonia Santa Cruz, the body of a male was found with a head injury.

A corpse of the male sex, so far unidentified, was found in Camino Arroyo de Las Palmas, in front of a sandbank in the Valle de las Palmas neighborhood.

Two charred bodies and human remains were reported in a neighborhood stream, Calle Prolongación 18 de Marzo, Colonia Rancho las Flores I section. At the intervention site, various fragments of wire and two pieces of tape were located in a charred area.

With firearm injuries to the chest and face, the body of a woman identified as Rocío Hernández, 37, was found. When she was assaulted, the victim was aboard a gray Honda Accord vehicle with California license plates. Two 9mm caliber bushings were found at the site.

A male, was killed when he was on the Defensores de Baja California road in front of # 840A, Colonia Burócrata Ruiz Cortines

The charred and handcuffed body of a woman was located in Calle Suárez # 1215 Colonia Las Torres, lower part.

At the Red Cross facilities, the young Alfredo Ayón Chávez, 22, died, who was shot at the chest, abdomen and back in the Sánchez Taboada neighborhood.

At 20 minutes from this Wednesday, May 13, on Constitución Avenue in front of number 378, Colonia Zona Centro, the lifeless body of a male was found inside a blue tambo.

In Tijuana, so far in May, there have been 75 homicides, and during the year there were 736 victims."


Okay, AMLO has sent the Army/National Guard back on the streets, I'll be back with that one.

Take care everyone.


Latest Local & National COVID-19 & Drug War Stats For May 13, 2020: All Numbers Are On The Rise

Just a bit before noon today, Zeta reported the latest local COVID-19 stats - and believe me, it becomes grueling doing the numbers daily, it just weighs heavy on your heart - so send Zeta a thank you note:

  ~ All reports From Zeta:

BC Rompe Record de Nuevos Casos Positivos en 24 Horas, Fueron 238 
Por, Lourdes Loza Romero 

"In the last twenty-four hours, 238 new cases were confirmed by COVID-19 in Baja California, said the head of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Alonso Pérez Rico, on May 13.

The state official justified the high number at which the Secretariat Laboratory is processing the tests taken at the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), so that in the following days high numbers of confirmed cases will continue to appear.

To date in Baja California there are 2 thousand 762 confirmed cases, of which thousand 359 are from Tijuana, thousand 93 from Mexicali, 127 Ensenada, 124 Tecate, 41 Rosarito and 18 the region of San Quintín-Vicente Guerrero. 

 Of the total, 264 cases are active and of these 12 percent are hospitalized.
There are 669 suspected cases, 337 in Tijuana, 264 in Mexicali, 42 in Tecate, 16 Ensenada, 8 in Rosarito and one more in the San Quintín - Vicente Guerrero region.

As of this Wednesday, 459 deaths have been registered from this new virus, 311 in Tijuana, 107 in Mexicali, 18 Ensenada, 18 Tecate, 4 Rosarito, and one more in the San Quintín - Vicente Guerrero region.

Regarding the "New Normality", Pérez Rico reported that, like the rest of the country, in Baja California the reopening "will be gradual, orderly and cautious", divided into three phases.

The first phase, next May 18, will be for the municipalities of "Esperanza" where no coronavirus cases were registered. The second phase, which is the preparation phase, will be from May 18 to 31. The third phase will be from June 1.

Phase 2, which will be the preparation phase, is in which non-essential companies will have to apply four actions in order to resume their work: 

1.- Preparation of health protocols.
2.- Staff training.
3.- Readjustment of spaces.
4.- Installation of intake and sanitation filters.

He commented that these actions should be permanent, since until there is a vaccine against the new virus, you should not let your guard down.

Pérez Rico also explained that a traffic light will be applied to resume activities, and until this is placed in the green, school activities in person cannot be resumed."


Confirma Secretario de Salud Deceso de Medico Jubilado Diagnosticado con COVID-19
Por, Isabel Mercado 

"In Baja California, the death of the first doctor due to coronavirus was confirmed, but it is a retired doctor, informed the entity's secretary of Health, Alonso Pérez Rico, who specified that more than 160 health workers in the state have tested positive to COVID-19.

"There is a person of medical profession registered as a deceased, we are trying to identify from which institution, he is a retired doctor," he added without specifying the place where the doctor died.
He explained that in Tijuana there was a record of the death of a doctor, a death that "is not related to COVID," he said.

Regarding the number of coronavirus infections registered in health workers, he said that the latest reports show that they have been affected by the pathogen “over 80 nurses and a similar number of doctors, some of them already recovered and others entering In this same premise, where they were asked to take shelter at home due to the policies of the Mexican Social Security Institute, and right now we are going to do the laboratory studies and give them the results. ”

Regarding the disapproval that the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) gave to the decree approved by the previous legislature of the State Congress, to extend the term of government of Jaime Bonilla Valdez from 2 to 5 years, Pérez Rico maintained that " the reduction of the government does not affect the health system ”.

However, he admitted that there were five-year projections, so "in the sense that the project was for five years, the long-term plans will continue like this", waiting for the next state government to follow up on them .

And he added, "...the good programs that were before we entered continued, in a specific case is the rickettsiosis program, those that were not correct, or were not giving results, were replaced by something new and that is the health issue, they value results ”.


 ~ From Yesterday 05/12/20: Ensenada Conditions:

 Brote de seis Empleados Positivos por COVID-19 en Centro de Salud de Ensenada

Por, Marcos A. Angulo Alvarez 

Health personnel with respiratory symptoms were sent home for isolation at home to prevent the spread of this condition. There is none hospitalized

ENSENADA - An outbreak of six positive cases by COVID-19 was detected among employees of the Advanced Center for Primary Health Care (CAAPS) Ruiz and 14 of Ensenada, confirmed this afternoon of Tuesday, May 12, the head of the Health Services Jurisdiction in Ensenada, Ángel Iván Alvarado López.
He explained that on May 8, an outbreak of COVID-19 by SARS COV-2 was identified in six health employees who work in CAAPS Ruiz and 14, who were characterized by presenting headaches, coughs and fever, among other symptoms.
For this reason, he explained, it was necessary to carry out an intentional search for suspicious cases, with the following results:
100% of the health personnel were considered, with acute respiratory symptoms that had the contact history of confirmed cases and respiratory symptoms, taking a total of 48 samples.
Alvarado López indicated that containment actions were carried out immediately, all areas of the unit were sanitized, and health personnel with respiratory symptoms were sent home for isolation at home and thus prevent the spread of this condition.
He mentioned that according to the classification issued by the “Standardized Guidelines for Epidemiological and Laboratory Surveillance of COVID 19”, the clinical picture of the health personnel who manifested any symptoms is slight. Of these, 44.1% of these workers stated that they were asymptomatic, with 13% of them being sampled.
The state official reported that the staff who tested positive, there are none hospitalized, are at home and monitored by the jurisdictional epidemiology area.
He indicated that CAAPS Ruiz and 14, CAAPS Maneadero, General Hospital and the Fever Clinics (Centro de Salud Obrera and Centro de Salud Pórticos del Mar), as well as, the jurisdictional offices, are constantly sanitized by Vector Program personnel, safeguarding the patient and staff health."

The Nation Wide Levels....(Reported at 5:32 this afternoon)

Suman 4 Mil 220 Defunciones de COVID-19 en Mexico
Por, Carlos Alvarez

"Since last February 28 when the first outbreak occurred, until this Wednesday, May 13 (day 52 of the National Day of Healthy Distance), in Mexico there are 40 thousand 186 accumulated confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (COVID- 19), as well as 24 thousand 856 suspects; 83 thousand 455 negatives; 9,378 confirmed assets; and 4,220 deaths, out of a total of 148,497 people studied.

As for the confirmed cases accumulated by federal state of residence, first there is Mexico City, with 10 thousand 946; followed by the State of Mexico, with 6,813; Baja California, with 2,764; Tabasco, with 1,976; and Sinaloa, with a thousand 620.

Of the confirmed cases active by federal state of residence, in the first place is Mexico City, with 2,240; followed by the State of Mexico, 1,244; Tabasco, with 557; Veracruz, with 514; Baja California, with 430; Yucatan, 278; Morelos, with 276; Puebla, with 266; Nuevo León, with 262; and, Sinaloa, with 256.

As reported by José Luis Alomía Zegarra, general director of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Health (SSa) of the Federal Government, 31.5 is the national incidence rate of accumulated confirmed cases per 100,000 inhabitants, while 7.33 is the national incidence rate of active cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

As for deaths, there are 318 “suspects”. In addition to there are 1,862 new cases confirmed in 24 hours, which represents a 4.9 percent increase from the previous day, according to the federal official, during the daily follow-up conference regarding the coronavirus pandemic in Mexico.

Regarding hospital occupation in Phase 3 of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19) in Mexico, it is at 34 percent of its capacity nationwide. The federal official presented the IRAC (Severe Acute Respiratory Infection) network, which has defined, so far, 723 hospitals.

Since the entry of Phase 3, the 32 state governments have to report to said national platform the local information, which the Federal Government integrates, analyzes and exposes it daily. However, as detailed by Alomía Zegarra, so far, there are only 699 registered health units (97 percent) with their daily situation.

On the other hand, he noted that there are 15,086 COVID beds available nationwide, of which 7,924 (34 percent) are occupied. Among the beds are the intensive care beds, where people with mechanical respiration are cared for.

By federal entity, Baja California has 55 percent of occupied beds and 45 percent available, while in Sinaloa it has 40 percent occupied and 60 percent available, according to the director general of Epidemiology of the Federal Ministry of Health.

On the other hand there are the beds that have a ventilator, to serve critically ill people. Of these, in Baja California there are 38 percent occupied and 62 percent occupied available, while in Sinaloa there are 60 percent occupied beds and 40 percent available."


Local Drug War Stats: TIJ This Month Alone = 75 Deaths

Parece que se Levanton Los Animos a Los Delincuentes y estan Dandose Vuelo": Bonilla, Tras Reportan 12 Homicidios en BC

"For the second consecutive day, Baja California experienced a violent day. In the last 48 hours in the entity there have been 25 murders, for which Governor Jaime Bonilla Valdez declared in his morning videoconference on May 13: “We continue with the fight to lower the homicide rate, but with all this contingency (COVID19), it seems that the spirits of criminals have risen and they have been flying. ”

Between the morning of Tuesday, May 12 and the first minutes of this day, 12 executions were dated in the state, 10 of them in Tijuana and two in Playas de Rosarito.

The number of intentional homicides in Baja California, according to statistics from the State Security and Investigation Guard, amounts to 997 victims so far in 2020.

The GESI reported that, among the latest events recorded in Tijuana, the following stand out:

First, at 08:25 a.m. on Monday, in a vacant lot located on Calle 1, corner with Calle Las Fuentes, in front of the Guillermo González Camarena Primary School, in the Cañadas del Florido neighborhood, a body was found that was covered in rubble.

In the afternoon, around 1:40 p.m. in the area of ​​the hill on Calle San Ignacio and Germán Warner, Colonia Santa Cruz, the body of a male was found with a head injury.

A corpse of the male sex, so far unidentified, was found in Camino Arroyo de Las Palmas, in front of a sandbank in the Valle de las Palmas neighborhood.

Two charred bodies and human remains were reported in a neighborhood stream, Calle Prolongación 18 de Marzo, Colonia Rancho las Flores I section. At the intervention site, various fragments of wire and two pieces of tape were located in a charred area.

With firearm injuries to the chest and face, the body of a woman identified as Rocío Hernández, 37, was found. When she was assaulted, the victim was aboard a gray Honda Accord vehicle with California license plates. Two 9mm caliber bushings were found at the site.

A male, was killed when he was on the Defensores de Baja California road in front of # 840A, Colonia Burócrata Ruiz Cortines

The charred and handcuffed body of a woman was located in Calle Suárez # 1215 Colonia Las Torres, lower part.

At the Red Cross facilities, the young Alfredo Ayón Chávez, 22, died, who was shot at the chest, abdomen and back in the Sánchez Taboada neighborhood.

At 20 minutes from this Wednesday, May 13, on Constitución Avenue in front of number 378, Colonia Zona Centro, the lifeless body of a male was found inside a blue tambo.

In Tijuana, so far in May, there have been 75 homicides, and during the year there were 736 victims."


Okay, AMLO has sent the Army/National Guard back on the streets, I'll be back with that one.

Take care everyone.