
Thursday, June 15, 2017

The Alexandria Shooting - Naomi Kline & Trump's Shock Doctrine - USA 's Role In Deaths of Mexican Journalists - This Month Officially (06/01-06/15) 76 Executions/Homicides in Tijuana; YTD Total For Tijuana = 677 - Seven in Rosarito Beach...and counting - Zeta Has Higher Numbers..........06/18: Janis Monterey Pop 50 Years Ago

Here are a few articles which caught my eye this evening:

The Washington Post - (also check out #5 on the sidebar, latest Gallup Poll, wow ! Everyone just about hates Trump.)

Conservative Voices Blame Alexandria Shooting on Democrats and The Left
by, Dave Weigal

The Washington Post

Is Trump Making America Mentally Ill ?
by, Kathleen Parker

Meanwhile, here is a great video:

The Intercept

Video: How To Resist Trump's Shock Doctrine
by, Naomi Kline


Adding this one from Bill Moyers and Company (who will send your email "Daily Reads") - Don't miss their special report, "#WHILE HE WAS TWEETING".

"It's getting weirder by the day –> In case you missed it, Julie Hirschfeld Davis reports for The New York Times that on Monday Donald Trump held "a highly unusual cabinet meeting in which he sought to deflect attention from his faltering agenda... by basking in the adulation of senior members of the government." Despite having passed no legislation of any significance, and with many of his executive actions held up in the courts, Trump began the session thusly: “I will say that never has there been a president... who’s passed more legislation, who’s done more things than what we’ve done.” Then, writes Davis, "the president went around the table asking for a statement from each cabinet member. One by one, they said their names and paid tribute to Mr. Trump, describing how honored they were to serve in his administration as he nodded approvingly."


All the latest on the latest:

Democracy Now ! 


Courtesy the Intercept:  Javier Valdez

Let's move on to Mexico:

Innumerable reports on the outrageous state of affairs regarding the assassinations of journalists throughout Mexico have penetrated the Mexican national and local press alike since the murder of Javier Valdez.  None that I could see - unless I missed it entirely - lays any of blame on the USA's role in the these atrocities. Likewise, the US MSM/Corporate press has had little to say about the US role in these murders.

From The Intercept this morning, an excellent report: (and don't miss their other headlines)

The Intercept

The Murder of Mexican Journalists Points to U.S. Role in Fueling Drug War Violence 
by, Jesse Franzblau


I'll be adding the local events in the next two days,updates on the missing investigators; we have been non stop super busy here and in the States; Reuban has been spearheading and galvanizing the drive against the gates at SADM. Go Reuban !



Courtesy Frontera:  Two Human Heads Left In Front of PGJE Office

The following article reports the official count for executions/homicides in Tijuana from 06/01 - 06/15/17 which is 76 dead bringing the YTD total for Tijuana up to 677 dead .  This number includes but is not limited to the body of a woman located tortured, one human head with narco-message, two more human heads left in an ice chest with narco-message in front of the PGJE office, and two human headless bodies located - officials have not said if these headless bodies belong to the two heads left in front of the PGJE.  Also, many daylight shootings in public and several armed commando attacks which leave many wounded.


Ataque armado deja un muerto y tres les lesionados
por, Angel F. Gonzalez

Since that report, I am counting nine more in Tijuana:

Frontera - Policiaca:   includes arrests and seizures.

In Rosarito Beach (06/01-06/15)  there have been seven:

Frontera - Policiaca Rosarito

 More information taken from Frontera for the time frame 06/01 - 06/15:

 - In Tecate (06/01-06/15) one burnt human head left in front of the Director de Policia Franciso Castro Trenti's house with a narco-message.

 - In Ensenada, another shoot out in San Quintin leaves one man dead, two burned bodies located Uruapan (where the rustico hot springs are located) and human bones located today on the beach @ El Marmol (Sea of Cortez).

 Zeta's numbers are higher....

On 06/16  Zeta reports that on the night of 06/15 a cooler containing the head of a pig, a knife and a narco-message was left close to a Primary school in the Zona Centro.  With this report - Zeta puts the number executed in Tijuana alone at eighty two for the month of June (06/01-06/15).

Zeta Tijuana

Dejan Hielera con Cabeza de Cerdi y Narcomensaje

On 06/12 Zeta reports the State and individual Municipality numbers of executions/homicides during the period of 01/01 through 06/08 and notes the violence is worsening in the Municipalities:

01/01 - 06/08

State wide:   820 dead

Tecate:            14 dead

Rosarito:         29 dead

Mexicali:          64 dead

Ensenada:         66 dead

Tijuana:           647 dead

Zeta Tijuana - 06/12/17
Criminales Recrudecen Violencia

In this report dated 06/13, Juan Carlos Dominguez reports on the continuing and brutal wave of violence in San Quintin:

Zeta Tijuana - 06/13/17
Imparables Crimenes en San Quintin


 Update/edit 06/17:

Rosarito Beach this morning was crowded with many Mexicans escaping the Mexicali heat.  No visible sightings of Municipal, State or Federal Police or Military on the streets.

 - Frontera is reporting the PGJE has confirmed two more burned bodies located in different locations of Tijuana Thursday night (06/15):

Frontera - 06/17/17

Encuentran Dos Cuerpos Calcinados
por, Angel F. Gonzalez

end edit.


I felt this was an important comment from The Intercept's report on US culpability in the murders of Mexican Journalists:

Apolitical Blues
"If Mexico has sunk into the darkest of times, which I believe it has, the US is not only complicit in facilitating the Overtly Criminal Government of Mexico with state of the art weaponry, also the utterly reckless and chaotic behavior of the cartels and their orbiting law enforcement personnel is a direct result of US meddling (See everywhere US intervention of this type has taken place….)

Targeted kills have the same effect as removing the alpha male tiger shark from a particular reef, leaving the juveniles to duke it out for control in an unnatural environment. Naturally the young narco sharks have less experience in the Game and a far more prone to random violence.

 Also, as another commented, we have become self deluded if we believe we can come and go in Mexico and not be part of the problem. As a frequent visitor to a particular area which I will not mention out of respect to the good people living and working there, I have felt the cartel presence creeping in lately, as the whole society in Mexico succumbs to the hell that the war on drugs has created. The particular area seemed to be out of the reach of the cartels, but lately there has been the familiar pattern of reported gang violence, murders etc. nearby.

The Mexican dream is dying to our south, poisoned by desperation, greed, corruption and high tech weaponry wielded with lizard brain ruthlessness. Add in Trump’s toxic, incendiary blather just for fun. In the end, Mexico can blame us for their horrible situation, rightly so, but this dance of death cannot be done without a partner.

 This, our inseparable neighbor to the south, that in which the US has unlimited influence on every aspect of Mexican society. US foreign/Immigration policy ABC’s:

A. Bury the bodies in your neighbor’s yard,

B. Build a wall so you don’t have to be reminded of the crime,

C. Send the surviving members the bill for the wall’s construction."


I'll add the reports on the missing investigators next blog.  Paris says woof, hurry up it's dinner time !
Despite everything, have a nice weekend.


UPDATE/edit 06/18:

50 Years Ago.....Janis at the Monterey Pop Festival:


The Alexandria Shooting - Naomi Kline & Trump's Shock Doctrine - USA 's Role In Deaths of Mexican Journalists - This Month Officially (06/01-06/15) 76 Executions/Homicides in Tijuana; YTD Total For Tijuana = 677 - Seven in Rosarito Beach...and counting - Zeta Has Higher Numbers..........06/18: Janis Monterey Pop 50 Years Ago

Here are a few articles which caught my eye this evening:

The Washington Post - (also check out #5 on the sidebar, latest Gallup Poll, wow ! Everyone just about hates Trump.)

Conservative Voices Blame Alexandria Shooting on Democrats and The Left
by, Dave Weigal

The Washington Post

Is Trump Making America Mentally Ill ?
by, Kathleen Parker

Meanwhile, here is a great video:

The Intercept

Video: How To Resist Trump's Shock Doctrine
by, Naomi Kline


Adding this one from Bill Moyers and Company (who will send your email "Daily Reads") - Don't miss their special report, "#WHILE HE WAS TWEETING".

"It's getting weirder by the day –> In case you missed it, Julie Hirschfeld Davis reports for The New York Times that on Monday Donald Trump held "a highly unusual cabinet meeting in which he sought to deflect attention from his faltering agenda... by basking in the adulation of senior members of the government." Despite having passed no legislation of any significance, and with many of his executive actions held up in the courts, Trump began the session thusly: “I will say that never has there been a president... who’s passed more legislation, who’s done more things than what we’ve done.” Then, writes Davis, "the president went around the table asking for a statement from each cabinet member. One by one, they said their names and paid tribute to Mr. Trump, describing how honored they were to serve in his administration as he nodded approvingly."


All the latest on the latest:

Democracy Now ! 


Courtesy the Intercept:  Javier Valdez

Let's move on to Mexico:

Innumerable reports on the outrageous state of affairs regarding the assassinations of journalists throughout Mexico have penetrated the Mexican national and local press alike since the murder of Javier Valdez.  None that I could see - unless I missed it entirely - lays any of blame on the USA's role in the these atrocities. Likewise, the US MSM/Corporate press has had little to say about the US role in these murders.

From The Intercept this morning, an excellent report: (and don't miss their other headlines)

The Intercept

The Murder of Mexican Journalists Points to U.S. Role in Fueling Drug War Violence 
by, Jesse Franzblau


I'll be adding the local events in the next two days,updates on the missing investigators; we have been non stop super busy here and in the States; Reuban has been spearheading and galvanizing the drive against the gates at SADM. Go Reuban !



Courtesy Frontera:  Two Human Heads Left In Front of PGJE Office

The following article reports the official count for executions/homicides in Tijuana from 06/01 - 06/15/17 which is 76 dead bringing the YTD total for Tijuana up to 677 dead .  This number includes but is not limited to the body of a woman located tortured, one human head with narco-message, two more human heads left in an ice chest with narco-message in front of the PGJE office, and two human headless bodies located - officials have not said if these headless bodies belong to the two heads left in front of the PGJE.  Also, many daylight shootings in public and several armed commando attacks which leave many wounded.


Ataque armado deja un muerto y tres les lesionados
por, Angel F. Gonzalez

Since that report, I am counting nine more in Tijuana:

Frontera - Policiaca:   includes arrests and seizures.

In Rosarito Beach (06/01-06/15)  there have been seven:

Frontera - Policiaca Rosarito

 More information taken from Frontera for the time frame 06/01 - 06/15:

 - In Tecate (06/01-06/15) one burnt human head left in front of the Director de Policia Franciso Castro Trenti's house with a narco-message.

 - In Ensenada, another shoot out in San Quintin leaves one man dead, two burned bodies located Uruapan (where the rustico hot springs are located) and human bones located today on the beach @ El Marmol (Sea of Cortez).

 Zeta's numbers are higher....

On 06/16  Zeta reports that on the night of 06/15 a cooler containing the head of a pig, a knife and a narco-message was left close to a Primary school in the Zona Centro.  With this report - Zeta puts the number executed in Tijuana alone at eighty two for the month of June (06/01-06/15).

Zeta Tijuana

Dejan Hielera con Cabeza de Cerdi y Narcomensaje

On 06/12 Zeta reports the State and individual Municipality numbers of executions/homicides during the period of 01/01 through 06/08 and notes the violence is worsening in the Municipalities:

01/01 - 06/08

State wide:   820 dead

Tecate:            14 dead

Rosarito:         29 dead

Mexicali:          64 dead

Ensenada:         66 dead

Tijuana:           647 dead

Zeta Tijuana - 06/12/17
Criminales Recrudecen Violencia

In this report dated 06/13, Juan Carlos Dominguez reports on the continuing and brutal wave of violence in San Quintin:

Zeta Tijuana - 06/13/17
Imparables Crimenes en San Quintin


 Update/edit 06/17:

Rosarito Beach this morning was crowded with many Mexicans escaping the Mexicali heat.  No visible sightings of Municipal, State or Federal Police or Military on the streets.

 - Frontera is reporting the PGJE has confirmed two more burned bodies located in different locations of Tijuana Thursday night (06/15):

Frontera - 06/17/17

Encuentran Dos Cuerpos Calcinados
por, Angel F. Gonzalez

end edit.


I felt this was an important comment from The Intercept's report on US culpability in the murders of Mexican Journalists:

Apolitical Blues
"If Mexico has sunk into the darkest of times, which I believe it has, the US is not only complicit in facilitating the Overtly Criminal Government of Mexico with state of the art weaponry, also the utterly reckless and chaotic behavior of the cartels and their orbiting law enforcement personnel is a direct result of US meddling (See everywhere US intervention of this type has taken place….)

Targeted kills have the same effect as removing the alpha male tiger shark from a particular reef, leaving the juveniles to duke it out for control in an unnatural environment. Naturally the young narco sharks have less experience in the Game and a far more prone to random violence.

 Also, as another commented, we have become self deluded if we believe we can come and go in Mexico and not be part of the problem. As a frequent visitor to a particular area which I will not mention out of respect to the good people living and working there, I have felt the cartel presence creeping in lately, as the whole society in Mexico succumbs to the hell that the war on drugs has created. The particular area seemed to be out of the reach of the cartels, but lately there has been the familiar pattern of reported gang violence, murders etc. nearby.

The Mexican dream is dying to our south, poisoned by desperation, greed, corruption and high tech weaponry wielded with lizard brain ruthlessness. Add in Trump’s toxic, incendiary blather just for fun. In the end, Mexico can blame us for their horrible situation, rightly so, but this dance of death cannot be done without a partner.

 This, our inseparable neighbor to the south, that in which the US has unlimited influence on every aspect of Mexican society. US foreign/Immigration policy ABC’s:

A. Bury the bodies in your neighbor’s yard,

B. Build a wall so you don’t have to be reminded of the crime,

C. Send the surviving members the bill for the wall’s construction."


I'll add the reports on the missing investigators next blog.  Paris says woof, hurry up it's dinner time !
Despite everything, have a nice weekend.


UPDATE/edit 06/18:

50 Years Ago.....Janis at the Monterey Pop Festival:


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The Idiot Trump Updates - Update on the Missing Investigators - Randy Rainbow on COVFFEE ! - SADM Update: Just put up some Turrets ! - Official Number May 2017 Exection Totals Tijuana = 159 - Official Number May 2017 Execution Totals YTD Tijuana (01/01/17 - 05/31/2017) is 610

The good news is that "...London Mayor Sadig Khan is calling for Trump's state visit to Britain to be canceled after Trump misquoted and then berated the Mayor following Saturday's attack in London" and that I am not the only one who uses the middle finger (OMGosh even verbally!) to the idiot Trump; of course these guys have been doing it for quite awhile now:

Thanks guys !

The Guardian

If Trump Visits, Let's Greet Him With The Chorus of Mocking Middle Fingers He Deserves
by, Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett

Excellent interview from yesterday  on Saturday's attacks and the upcoming British elections:

Democracy Now ! (Please do not miss all of their articles also check out sidebar for Trump's " for SCOTUS to back travel ban blocked by multiple courts)

Trump Attacks London's Mayor & Jeremy Corbyn Cals For Theresa May's Ouster after Terror in London


Update on the missing investigators and Ivanka ain't saying nuthin:

CBS/AP 06/06/2017

China Says Men who Probed Ivanka Trump supplier Won't Be Released


Of course....


San Antonio Del Mar (SADM) update:

The lanes are so freakin narrow at the North Gate that someone bent one of the poles separating lanes- either on purpose or the pole turned out to be a safety hazard with no lighting or warning  - at night easily missed and easily hit causing vehicle damage; apparently it has been repaired and whoever is behind these "private gates" continue with their project.

I am not going to be disclosing the counter legal moves of people opposed to these structures to show their cards,  but I did want to say thank you to the Gringo-Trumpista real estate agents of Baja California on behalf of residents here for removing most of the tacky furniture on the one deck, how thoughtful of you.

 BTW, are you the morons sending my gmail hundreds of bullshit spam messages?  Right now there are 222 personalized spam messages including porn (we all just know that is Linton) in the spam box. Sounds like Linton to me - did the Los Angeles Times-Chicago Tribune keep him on as their attack dog ? Also, my blogs are being screwed around with again - all coming up out of order - what the fuck is wrong with you idiots? I swear, Linton works for Trump. Money, money money.  Except there isn't any to made down here, at least on real estate.

 Ah, the gringo real estate promoters are completely coming unglued, angry, desperate and frustrated because nothing is selling - even the former Mayor of San Pedro, CA. backed out of buying a home (this happened just a few weeks ago BTW) at SADM because he found out how bad it is down here. He lost 10K ($10,000) dollars on that deal for pulling out - well, better safe than sorry. It was not me who said happens to be general information that it is unsafe to live here and that SADM has deteriorated so badly there is no hope. These are facts which you cannot cover up, and the more you try to cover the facts up the more you look like scum bag liars and con-artistes. But, there's a sucker born every minute, right ?

 Listen you twits if you really want to make SADM more secure, build a wall alongside the Highway and Baranca with turrets where most of the intruders-criminal elements are coming in.  You have all the money. Your bullshit illegal private gate will never stop them.

Example of a stationary turret...that might work you guys

Further, the attempt to convey that SADM is off limits to the general public while blocking access and portraying it as a private exclusive gringo enclave-residence for only the entitled (so you jerks can sell property to unassuming gringos lining your wallets and feeling entitled)is just plain disgusting.  If you care about SADM so much, why aren't you at the forefront fighting the untreated/raw sewage coming from Tijuana being dumped into the ocean here? You are as bad as Trump.


Coming Up:  Executions totals over the top, more headless and burned bodies, two more executed in Rosarito, more executed in Ensenada, narco-mantas, drug tunnel located... never seen anything like this.


Courtesy Frontera...Burning Man, not in the Black Rock Desert, in Tijuana (Otay) 06/06/17

Sorry, just swamped here and going in a hundred different directions, therefore I am late. Plus Paris broke the keyboard and grabbed the mouse which I had to take out of her mouth (had to replace both).  She also knocked over another vase of flowers, luckily the vase didn't break.  She has been wild; at this rate it doesn't look like she can go to the doggie camp, her behavior has been awful.  We think this latest wave of delinquency could be due to the two feral cats and the huge ravens who have been terrorizing and chased the doves away.  We think she thinks her territory is being compromised, who knows. Tomorrow she gets to go to the park and PetCo.

The official stats for executions/homicides for the past month of May in Tijuana stands at 159, which brings the YTD to 610:


Localizan cadaver decaptitado en el Mariano Matamoros
por, Angel F. Gonzalez

June is off like Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, I am counting sixteen more dead the first six days of June in Tijuana including a burning man, another decapitation in Playas and many wounded by gunfire; two dead in Rosarito Beach.  Details concerning these events, the narco-manta and message to authorities manta at the San Ysidro POE, the narco tunnel go here:

Frontera Policiaca 

Zeta Tijuana 

More local links on the sidebar.


In two days - on Thursday we'll be watching the Comey testimony before Congress  and the British election.  If Corbyn doesn't win, it will be the same all over again.  Go Jeremy !

Take care.

The Idiot Trump Updates - Update on the Missing Investigators - Randy Rainbow on COVFFEE ! - SADM Update: Just put up some Turrets ! - Official Number May 2017 Exection Totals Tijuana = 159 - Official Number May 2017 Execution Totals YTD Tijuana (01/01/17 - 05/31/2017) is 610

The good news is that "...London Mayor Sadig Khan is calling for Trump's state visit to Britain to be canceled after Trump misquoted and then berated the Mayor following Saturday's attack in London" and that I am not the only one who uses the middle finger (OMGosh even verbally!) to the idiot Trump; of course these guys have been doing it for quite awhile now:

Thanks guys !

The Guardian

If Trump Visits, Let's Greet Him With The Chorus of Mocking Middle Fingers He Deserves
by, Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett

Excellent interview from yesterday  on Saturday's attacks and the upcoming British elections:

Democracy Now ! (Please do not miss all of their articles also check out sidebar for Trump's " for SCOTUS to back travel ban blocked by multiple courts)

Trump Attacks London's Mayor & Jeremy Corbyn Cals For Theresa May's Ouster after Terror in London


Update on the missing investigators and Ivanka ain't saying nuthin:

CBS/AP 06/06/2017

China Says Men who Probed Ivanka Trump supplier Won't Be Released


Of course....


San Antonio Del Mar (SADM) update:

The lanes are so freakin narrow at the North Gate that someone bent one of the poles separating lanes- either on purpose or the pole turned out to be a safety hazard with no lighting or warning  - at night easily missed and easily hit causing vehicle damage; apparently it has been repaired and whoever is behind these "private gates" continue with their project.

I am not going to be disclosing the counter legal moves of people opposed to these structures to show their cards,  but I did want to say thank you to the Gringo-Trumpista real estate agents of Baja California on behalf of residents here for removing most of the tacky furniture on the one deck, how thoughtful of you.

 BTW, are you the morons sending my gmail hundreds of bullshit spam messages?  Right now there are 222 personalized spam messages including porn (we all just know that is Linton) in the spam box. Sounds like Linton to me - did the Los Angeles Times-Chicago Tribune keep him on as their attack dog ? Also, my blogs are being screwed around with again - all coming up out of order - what the fuck is wrong with you idiots? I swear, Linton works for Trump. Money, money money.  Except there isn't any to made down here, at least on real estate.

 Ah, the gringo real estate promoters are completely coming unglued, angry, desperate and frustrated because nothing is selling - even the former Mayor of San Pedro, CA. backed out of buying a home (this happened just a few weeks ago BTW) at SADM because he found out how bad it is down here. He lost 10K ($10,000) dollars on that deal for pulling out - well, better safe than sorry. It was not me who said happens to be general information that it is unsafe to live here and that SADM has deteriorated so badly there is no hope. These are facts which you cannot cover up, and the more you try to cover the facts up the more you look like scum bag liars and con-artistes. But, there's a sucker born every minute, right ?

 Listen you twits if you really want to make SADM more secure, build a wall alongside the Highway and Baranca with turrets where most of the intruders-criminal elements are coming in.  You have all the money. Your bullshit illegal private gate will never stop them.

Example of a stationary turret...that might work you guys

Further, the attempt to convey that SADM is off limits to the general public while blocking access and portraying it as a private exclusive gringo enclave-residence for only the entitled (so you jerks can sell property to unassuming gringos lining your wallets and feeling entitled)is just plain disgusting.  If you care about SADM so much, why aren't you at the forefront fighting the untreated/raw sewage coming from Tijuana being dumped into the ocean here? You are as bad as Trump.


Coming Up:  Executions totals over the top, more headless and burned bodies, two more executed in Rosarito, more executed in Ensenada, narco-mantas, drug tunnel located... never seen anything like this.


Courtesy Frontera...Burning Man, not in the Black Rock Desert, in Tijuana (Otay) 06/06/17

Sorry, just swamped here and going in a hundred different directions, therefore I am late. Plus Paris broke the keyboard and grabbed the mouse which I had to take out of her mouth (had to replace both).  She also knocked over another vase of flowers, luckily the vase didn't break.  She has been wild; at this rate it doesn't look like she can go to the doggie camp, her behavior has been awful.  We think this latest wave of delinquency could be due to the two feral cats and the huge ravens who have been terrorizing and chased the doves away.  We think she thinks her territory is being compromised, who knows. Tomorrow she gets to go to the park and PetCo.

The official stats for executions/homicides for the past month of May in Tijuana stands at 159, which brings the YTD to 610:


Localizan cadaver decaptitado en el Mariano Matamoros
por, Angel F. Gonzalez

June is off like Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, I am counting sixteen more dead the first six days of June in Tijuana including a burning man, another decapitation in Playas and many wounded by gunfire; two dead in Rosarito Beach.  Details concerning these events, the narco-manta and message to authorities manta at the San Ysidro POE, the narco tunnel go here:

Frontera Policiaca 

Zeta Tijuana 

More local links on the sidebar.


In two days - on Thursday we'll be watching the Comey testimony before Congress  and the British election.  If Corbyn doesn't win, it will be the same all over again.  Go Jeremy !

Take care.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Some Problemas At SADM - What happened to the China Labor Watch Investigators , IVANKA ??

I will have to come back to the latest disgusting Trump death knell - pulling out of the Paris Accord -  which even though we expected it, made us sick to our stomachs (I am still sick I hate Trump) and the May execution totals.

 Problem # 1 :

This evening Reuban handed Mike a print-out (Mario & Peg knew about this too) which described some weird, strange, scary and questionable goings on as far as real estate in SADM, entitled  "Senalan Administrador de Fracc. San Antonio Del Mar de Fraude y Abuso de Confianza".

The print out was roughly translated into English. The neighbors were all really upset, the accusations were bad.  The gist of this report is to remove current Administrator (s ) of the HOA. When Mike & Paris brought this print out home, the first thing I noticed was that it was not signed. We are never surprised when we hear about fraud here at SADM, but this was beyond a doubt a ravaging account which quite frankly I'm afraid to re-type.  It involves misappropriation or embezzlement of HOA funds, police hit squads made up of both Municipal and PEPOS who are said to be on the current Administrator's payroll to threaten, strong arm, plant dope on and arrest anyone who questions the current Administrator(s) and million dollar homes at SADM.  Heck, we all know there aren't any million dollar homes at SADM, how lame is that ?

At the very top of the page in tiny print was:  Running quite a few checks over several hours, I could not find the article.

In fact, the article shows up as a "404" - or no longer exists.  Also at the very top of the print out is the date May 11, 2017.  However, this article was written and printed on January 31, 2017 according to searches and yet it does not show up on "Tijuana Censura." It does not show up at all. It is unknown who actually wrote this print-out-article, was it the notorious Mariano Soto ? Since I am not a member of Facebook (thank god) I couldn't check there....but why in print did it read, " " as the source ??

edit:  I'm adding this, forgot to add it last night: Here's a little exercise for ya'll:

1. Google in "Senalan Administrador de Fracc. San Antonio Del Mar de Fraude y Abuso de Confianza."

2. Right now, it is under the second ink .  But don't click the link.  Click the little arrow to the right of the link which is the cached version.

3.  Ok, go all the way to the bottom of the page (under related articles by the same author who is Mariano Soto) and there it is with a picture of the accused wrongdoer.  Click that link .

4.  The page has been removed, it no longer exists.

I went through at least sixty pages of articles by Mariano Soto  early this morning and there was no article on SADM dated either January 31, 2017 or May 11, 2017.

Course, we are not members of the HOA.  Those days ended when the over the limit decks went in.  BTW, speaking of decks would the real estate people who were renting out the one casa to the gringos with the deck kindly remove the tacky furniture on the deck?  The people moved out and you guys are shooting yourselves in your feet. There are so many houses for sale here we have lost countand yet IF buyers come around and see that mess...well you know, looks like a bunch of white trash hillbillies live here.  Plus, other neighbors - who happen to be Mexican - have complained about the furniture distraction. It looks like shit.

end edit.

Problem # 2:

The North Gate. According to Reuban, there is a process underway to privatize entry into SADM at the North Gate.  According to him and other neighbors, residents would have to have a card to open the gate.

 Worse, there will not be enough room for firetrucks, ambulances, propane trucks or trash disposal trucks to get through. How stupid is that ?  So people were asking, is problem # 2 related to problem # 1 ?  Is this a coup?  What happens to the guards?  No mas ? One person suggested that this was a devious way to get people to join the HOA (not  and never has been recognized as a legal entity with any legal authority at all, period).

Doesn't anyone remember when they tried to do this at Baja Malibu?  The opposition is lining up their ducks with attorney consultations.  The way I have always understood it you cannot limit access, that would be unlawful. This is not a private development, it is a Mexican neighborhood. My suggestion was to turn it over to Zeta and let them cover it, I'm pretty sure they covered the Baja Malibu problem years back.

Oh , I forgot....Tijuana Sin Censura and Sr. Soto don't like Zeta.

I'm rolling my eyes here. 


Meanwhile we are still waiting to hear what happened to the investigators from China Labor Watch (CBS coverage) investigating the factory in China for labor irregularities who were producing Ivanka Trump items.  Those guys just vanished, boing...disappeared.  I told Reuban no longer can Americans point the finger at Mexico and say "Oooo look how corrupt they are !"  Talk about a mafia, it's the Trump fu^k with them, and you just vanish.

More coverage from Democracy Now !

China: Activists "Disappear" Amid Ivanka Trump Factory Investigation

Headline Jun 01, 2017

 "In China, one labor activist was arrested and two others have gone missing—and are feared detained—as they investigated abuses at a factory that produces shoes for the Ivanka Trump brand. China Labor Watch said the activists uncovered evidence that factory workers were forced to work excessive overtime, were verbally abused and were paid wages below China’s legal minimum—with some workers receiving less than a dollar an hour. Amnesty International called on China to immediately release the three activists. The arrest and disappearances came just weeks after Ivanka Trump secured three new exclusive trademarks in China—the very same day she and her father, President Trump, had dinner with Chinese President Xi Jinping at Trump’s private resort in Florida."


Who knows, maybe there will be protests at the North Gate, and I can hand out "Fuck Trump" buttons.

I'll be back, stay tuned. Paris is sleeping on my feet and I'm exhausted.

Fuck Trump !!

Some Problemas At SADM - What happened to the China Labor Watch Investigators , IVANKA ??

I will have to come back to the latest disgusting Trump death knell - pulling out of the Paris Accord -  which even though we expected it, made us sick to our stomachs (I am still sick I hate Trump) and the May execution totals.

 Problem # 1 :

This evening Reuban handed Mike a print-out (Mario & Peg knew about this too) which described some weird, strange, scary and questionable goings on as far as real estate in SADM, entitled  "Senalan Administrador de Fracc. San Antonio Del Mar de Fraude y Abuso de Confianza".

The print out was roughly translated into English. The neighbors were all really upset, the accusations were bad.  The gist of this report is to remove current Administrator (s ) of the HOA. When Mike & Paris brought this print out home, the first thing I noticed was that it was not signed. We are never surprised when we hear about fraud here at SADM, but this was beyond a doubt a ravaging account which quite frankly I'm afraid to re-type.  It involves misappropriation or embezzlement of HOA funds, police hit squads made up of both Municipal and PEPOS who are said to be on the current Administrator's payroll to threaten, strong arm, plant dope on and arrest anyone who questions the current Administrator(s) and million dollar homes at SADM.  Heck, we all know there aren't any million dollar homes at SADM, how lame is that ?

At the very top of the page in tiny print was:  Running quite a few checks over several hours, I could not find the article.

In fact, the article shows up as a "404" - or no longer exists.  Also at the very top of the print out is the date May 11, 2017.  However, this article was written and printed on January 31, 2017 according to searches and yet it does not show up on "Tijuana Censura." It does not show up at all. It is unknown who actually wrote this print-out-article, was it the notorious Mariano Soto ? Since I am not a member of Facebook (thank god) I couldn't check there....but why in print did it read, " " as the source ??

edit:  I'm adding this, forgot to add it last night: Here's a little exercise for ya'll:

1. Google in "Senalan Administrador de Fracc. San Antonio Del Mar de Fraude y Abuso de Confianza."

2. Right now, it is under the second ink .  But don't click the link.  Click the little arrow to the right of the link which is the cached version.

3.  Ok, go all the way to the bottom of the page (under related articles by the same author who is Mariano Soto) and there it is with a picture of the accused wrongdoer.  Click that link .

4.  The page has been removed, it no longer exists.

I went through at least sixty pages of articles by Mariano Soto  early this morning and there was no article on SADM dated either January 31, 2017 or May 11, 2017.

Course, we are not members of the HOA.  Those days ended when the over the limit decks went in.  BTW, speaking of decks would the real estate people who were renting out the one casa to the gringos with the deck kindly remove the tacky furniture on the deck?  The people moved out and you guys are shooting yourselves in your feet. There are so many houses for sale here we have lost countand yet IF buyers come around and see that mess...well you know, looks like a bunch of white trash hillbillies live here.  Plus, other neighbors - who happen to be Mexican - have complained about the furniture distraction. It looks like shit.

end edit.

Problem # 2:

The North Gate. According to Reuban, there is a process underway to privatize entry into SADM at the North Gate.  According to him and other neighbors, residents would have to have a card to open the gate.

 Worse, there will not be enough room for firetrucks, ambulances, propane trucks or trash disposal trucks to get through. How stupid is that ?  So people were asking, is problem # 2 related to problem # 1 ?  Is this a coup?  What happens to the guards?  No mas ? One person suggested that this was a devious way to get people to join the HOA (not  and never has been recognized as a legal entity with any legal authority at all, period).

Doesn't anyone remember when they tried to do this at Baja Malibu?  The opposition is lining up their ducks with attorney consultations.  The way I have always understood it you cannot limit access, that would be unlawful. This is not a private development, it is a Mexican neighborhood. My suggestion was to turn it over to Zeta and let them cover it, I'm pretty sure they covered the Baja Malibu problem years back.

Oh , I forgot....Tijuana Sin Censura and Sr. Soto don't like Zeta.

I'm rolling my eyes here. 


Meanwhile we are still waiting to hear what happened to the investigators from China Labor Watch (CBS coverage) investigating the factory in China for labor irregularities who were producing Ivanka Trump items.  Those guys just vanished, boing...disappeared.  I told Reuban no longer can Americans point the finger at Mexico and say "Oooo look how corrupt they are !"  Talk about a mafia, it's the Trump fu^k with them, and you just vanish.

More coverage from Democracy Now !

China: Activists "Disappear" Amid Ivanka Trump Factory Investigation

Headline Jun 01, 2017

 "In China, one labor activist was arrested and two others have gone missing—and are feared detained—as they investigated abuses at a factory that produces shoes for the Ivanka Trump brand. China Labor Watch said the activists uncovered evidence that factory workers were forced to work excessive overtime, were verbally abused and were paid wages below China’s legal minimum—with some workers receiving less than a dollar an hour. Amnesty International called on China to immediately release the three activists. The arrest and disappearances came just weeks after Ivanka Trump secured three new exclusive trademarks in China—the very same day she and her father, President Trump, had dinner with Chinese President Xi Jinping at Trump’s private resort in Florida."


Who knows, maybe there will be protests at the North Gate, and I can hand out "Fuck Trump" buttons.

I'll be back, stay tuned. Paris is sleeping on my feet and I'm exhausted.

Fuck Trump !!

Saturday, May 27, 2017

The Intercept: TigerSwan: "Leaked Documents Reveal Counterterrorism Tactics Used At Standing Rock to Defeat Pipeline Insurgencies" - Is Mexico next ? Or, Is TigerSwan Already Set Up South of the Border and Ready to Roll ?

TigerSwan courtesy the Intercept

Hope you are having a safe Memorial Day Weekend.  I have a feeling that many of the American Vets who sacrificed their lives for "freedom" might roll in their graves after reading this next report - which deserves widespread coverage.  I know for sure the three thousand Vets who stood with the Water Protectors and protesters at Standing Rock --  Dakota Access Pipeline will probably be furious after they read it. Perhaps being trained military, they already suspected.

Thanks to Jeremy Scahill and Juan Gonzalez of Democracy Now ! , we the public first became aware of the TigerSwan intervention at Standing Rock late last November of 2016.  But I don't think any of us in the general public (with the exception of the Vets who physically supported the protesters) had even an inkling the situation was so dire. You will never be able to convince me that Obama and Hillary the Ice Queen and Bernie Sanders plus dozens of lawmakers in both Houses did not know about this disgusting infiltration, and said nothing.

One hell of a report:

The Intercept - don't miss the other great reports while you are there.

Leaked documents Reveal Counterterrorism Tactics Used at Standing Rock to "Defeat Pipeline Insurgencies"

By, Allen Brown, will Parrish, Alice Speri
Additional Reporting: Matthew Cole
Research: Sheelaugh McNeil and Taylor Cooper

You think 60 Minutes, ABC, NBC, CNN or Fox News will pick up this story? How about KPBS - after all, they are supposed to be so "liberated".  Meanwhile here's more on Standing Rock:

Dakota Access Pipeline|Democracy Now! 


 I'll be back with the casualties report, including the seven year boy executed in Tijuana, followed by the eleven year old wounded by gunfire - both of these armed attacks... plus the report on the increase in Rosarito Beach crime I promised last blog, just busy here.

I guess Trump will be sending TigerSwan down to Mexico - maybe they are already here. So, they secured the pipeline (s) for the banks and the corporations...who will they be securing the drug routes for ?

The Intercept: TigerSwan: "Leaked Documents Reveal Counterterrorism Tactics Used At Standing Rock to Defeat Pipeline Insurgencies" - Is Mexico next ? Or, Is TigerSwan Already Set Up South of the Border and Ready to Roll ?

TigerSwan courtesy the Intercept

Hope you are having a safe Memorial Day Weekend.  I have a feeling that many of the American Vets who sacrificed their lives for "freedom" might roll in their graves after reading this next report - which deserves widespread coverage.  I know for sure the three thousand Vets who stood with the Water Protectors and protesters at Standing Rock --  Dakota Access Pipeline will probably be furious after they read it. Perhaps being trained military, they already suspected.

Thanks to Jeremy Scahill and Juan Gonzalez of Democracy Now ! , we the public first became aware of the TigerSwan intervention at Standing Rock late last November of 2016.  But I don't think any of us in the general public (with the exception of the Vets who physically supported the protesters) had even an inkling the situation was so dire. You will never be able to convince me that Obama and Hillary the Ice Queen and Bernie Sanders plus dozens of lawmakers in both Houses did not know about this disgusting infiltration, and said nothing.

One hell of a report:

The Intercept - don't miss the other great reports while you are there.

Leaked documents Reveal Counterterrorism Tactics Used at Standing Rock to "Defeat Pipeline Insurgencies"

By, Allen Brown, will Parrish, Alice Speri
Additional Reporting: Matthew Cole
Research: Sheelaugh McNeil and Taylor Cooper

You think 60 Minutes, ABC, NBC, CNN or Fox News will pick up this story? How about KPBS - after all, they are supposed to be so "liberated".  Meanwhile here's more on Standing Rock:

Dakota Access Pipeline|Democracy Now! 


 I'll be back with the casualties report, including the seven year boy executed in Tijuana, followed by the eleven year old wounded by gunfire - both of these armed attacks... plus the report on the increase in Rosarito Beach crime I promised last blog, just busy here.

I guess Trump will be sending TigerSwan down to Mexico - maybe they are already here. So, they secured the pipeline (s) for the banks and the corporations...who will they be securing the drug routes for ?

Friday, May 26, 2017

Where is Father Guido Sarducci When We Really Need Him ?? - UPDATE: May 2017 Is the Month With the Most Executions In the History of Tijuana - We Stand at 132 !! - YTD total for Tijuana is now at 583 Executed. And the Violence Is Not Stopping.

Greetings From The Vatican where Melania Trump looked uncomfortably constipated !

The past week has been full of more Trump atrocities as he trots around the globe embracing despots  and engaging in conversations with the outrageous murderous President Duterte while we watch with horror the potentiality of 23 million people in the United States being cut off of any type of medical coverage and slashes to social security plus more along with his draconian immigration policy.

Here are some more good reports:


The Sacramento Bee
By, The Editorial Board

This Latest Dust-Up Is Why California Can't Trust Trump On Immigration

In case you missed it on their sidebar, The Sacramento Bee continues to run this video from last year:

"Trump Protesters Pack Big Guns"

The Intercept

Deported To El Salvador, Trapped Between The Gangs and Trump

by, Danielle Marie Mackey, Pedro Armando Aparicio and Leiton Akio Woodhouse


More here:

Demoncracy Now !

Moyers & Company  - you can sign up for their daily and weekly updates !

Okay, here is The Guardian's compilation of Late Nights with Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers and Jimmy Kimmel  because if we don't laugh a little bit, the stress of Trump is literally going to kill us...I love all of these, especially the one about the squirrel meat LOL:

The Guardian

Late-Night Hosts on Trump's Budget and Pope Meeting

  I'll be back with the latest local casualty reports, it's been gruesome and bad.


UPDATE/EDIT 05/26/2017:

Honestly there has been no improvement in the violence in Baja California; matters have worsened -  although authorities were quick to point out last week that conditions are not "out-of-control."

This morning  at 11:35am, Frontera reports this month of May beats all historical records in Tijuana with 132 executions.  This number surpasses the  January 2010 total of 122 executions. (Remember, that was the year others reported that "nothing is happening in Tijuana" as far as the drug war and violence.) This now brings the YTD in Tijuana alone up to 583 murders/executions which continue even after this latest report:

Mayo es el mes con mas muertos en a historia de Tijuana 

por, Angel F. Gonzalez

Another narco-message was located  in Tijuana, atop a cooler which contained a hand grenade very close to a Secundaria. There was another armed attack against five people last night in Tijuana.  For a first hand glimpse of every detail of this carnage - the bodies wrapped in plastic, tortured body thrown onto Blvd. 2000, decapitations, people shot in front of their families, attacks on police, brazen attacks in public areas in daylight you can go here:


Frontera Policiaca

And of course, Zeta.

We have not seen the Army/Marinos/Gendarmes deployed to either the streets of Tijuana or Rosarito Beach. I'll be back with the latest scathing report on the crime wave in Rosarito Beach and another shoot out between the Mexican Army and smugglers in  San Vicente, Ensenada with more executions.

P.S.  Last night actually early in the evening for several hours while we were having dinner and then watching "Witness For the Prosecution" the smell of sewage coming from the barranca where untreated sewage has been being dumped from Tijuana was so bad I had to close the windows.  Paris wants to know when we are moving.

end edit.


  You might remember Father Guido Sarducci from the Smothers Brothers.... and then much later on SNL. We always thought he had ties to the Mob, the Real Italian Mob that is.  On a lighter note, here he is singing for us...he doesn't seem like a gangster but you never know.....

Where is Father Guido Sarducci When We Really Need Him ?? - UPDATE: May 2017 Is the Month With the Most Executions In the History of Tijuana - We Stand at 132 !! - YTD total for Tijuana is now at 583 Executed. And the Violence Is Not Stopping.

Greetings From The Vatican where Melania Trump looked uncomfortably constipated !

The past week has been full of more Trump atrocities as he trots around the globe embracing despots  and engaging in conversations with the outrageous murderous President Duterte while we watch with horror the potentiality of 23 million people in the United States being cut off of any type of medical coverage and slashes to social security plus more along with his draconian immigration policy.

Here are some more good reports:


The Sacramento Bee
By, The Editorial Board

This Latest Dust-Up Is Why California Can't Trust Trump On Immigration

In case you missed it on their sidebar, The Sacramento Bee continues to run this video from last year:

"Trump Protesters Pack Big Guns"

The Intercept

Deported To El Salvador, Trapped Between The Gangs and Trump

by, Danielle Marie Mackey, Pedro Armando Aparicio and Leiton Akio Woodhouse


More here:

Demoncracy Now !

Moyers & Company  - you can sign up for their daily and weekly updates !

Okay, here is The Guardian's compilation of Late Nights with Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers and Jimmy Kimmel  because if we don't laugh a little bit, the stress of Trump is literally going to kill us...I love all of these, especially the one about the squirrel meat LOL:

The Guardian

Late-Night Hosts on Trump's Budget and Pope Meeting

  I'll be back with the latest local casualty reports, it's been gruesome and bad.


UPDATE/EDIT 05/26/2017:

Honestly there has been no improvement in the violence in Baja California; matters have worsened -  although authorities were quick to point out last week that conditions are not "out-of-control."

This morning  at 11:35am, Frontera reports this month of May beats all historical records in Tijuana with 132 executions.  This number surpasses the  January 2010 total of 122 executions. (Remember, that was the year others reported that "nothing is happening in Tijuana" as far as the drug war and violence.) This now brings the YTD in Tijuana alone up to 583 murders/executions which continue even after this latest report:

Mayo es el mes con mas muertos en a historia de Tijuana 

por, Angel F. Gonzalez

Another narco-message was located  in Tijuana, atop a cooler which contained a hand grenade very close to a Secundaria. There was another armed attack against five people last night in Tijuana.  For a first hand glimpse of every detail of this carnage - the bodies wrapped in plastic, tortured body thrown onto Blvd. 2000, decapitations, people shot in front of their families, attacks on police, brazen attacks in public areas in daylight you can go here:


Frontera Policiaca

And of course, Zeta.

We have not seen the Army/Marinos/Gendarmes deployed to either the streets of Tijuana or Rosarito Beach. I'll be back with the latest scathing report on the crime wave in Rosarito Beach and another shoot out between the Mexican Army and smugglers in  San Vicente, Ensenada with more executions.

P.S.  Last night actually early in the evening for several hours while we were having dinner and then watching "Witness For the Prosecution" the smell of sewage coming from the barranca where untreated sewage has been being dumped from Tijuana was so bad I had to close the windows.  Paris wants to know when we are moving.

end edit.


  You might remember Father Guido Sarducci from the Smothers Brothers.... and then much later on SNL. We always thought he had ties to the Mob, the Real Italian Mob that is.  On a lighter note, here he is singing for us...he doesn't seem like a gangster but you never know.....

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Is Donald Trump Toast ? - Democracy Now ! Covers Latest Developments in the Anastasio Hernandez Rojas Case Described As An "Extrajudicial Killing" Also Interview with Anabel Hernandez Following The Murder of Journalist Javier Valdez - 05/18 Official Stats as of 8:14am 80 Executed in TIJ This Month - YTD Total in TIJ: 531

Is Robert Mueller the New Lone Ranger?

  Is Donald Trump toast? Well, maybe.  Just starting to read reactions to Robert Mueller being appointed as Special Counsel to oversee the Trump-Russia investigation, here are a few:

The Guardian

Why Trump Can't Fire His Way Out of 'Russia Thing' this Time
by, Julian Borger

The Guardian

Impeachment Seemed Impossible A Few Days Ago.  Not anymore. 
by, Lawrence Douglas

The Democrats are licking their chops.  And, unfortunately for us, even Hillary Clinton is getting in the swing, she is forming an "action group".  Just remember Mexico, she  was/is for the privitization of oil in Mexico.   But wait a minute .... what about this :

The Real News Network

Special Counsel Investigating Trump Campaign Has Deep Ties to the Deep State

This is interesting...found in the comments section of that last piece by Paul Jay:

How NSA Can Secretly Aid Criminal Cases
by, Ray McGovern

By the time you are having your coffee, more reactions here:

Democracy Now !

Okay, so it's a good thing to get rid of the idiot Trump, but what are we left with? Pence and the rest of the neo-fascist lunatics running the US Government.  How do we get rid of them?  Mike does not think Trump will be impeached, and I am having doubts. We'll see.


Democracy Now! discusses  the latest developments in the Anastasio Hernandez Rojas case with John Larson and Christian Ramirez and separate interview with  Enrique Morones of the Border Angels (for Spanish translation hit translation button top right hand of page):

Inter-America Commission on Human Rights to Probe U.S. Border Patrol Killing of Mexican Father

Border Angels Resist Trump's Immigration Crackdown with services and Water for Border-Crossing Migrants

While you are there, note :

Activists Sue to Block Plans to Bury 3.6 Million Pounds of Nuclear Waste Near California Beach 


Javier Valdez & Anabel Hernandez courtesy Democracy Now ! 

Democracy Now ! interviews Anabel Hernandez following the execution of the well loved Mexican journalist, Javier Valdez.  If you read nothing else or watch no other video, do not miss Amy Goodman's interview of Anabel Hernandez.

Anabel Hernandez on the Death of Javier Valdez & Mexican Journalists Confronting a Surge of Violence

Here is coverage of events in Mexico since black Monday of this week, includes link to the 2011 Javier Valdez Cardenas Award Acceptance Speech - please watch:

Saying "No to Silence": Hear Murdered Mexican Journalist Javier Valdez in His Own Words 


Locally, the executions are intensifying in Tijuana as well as Ensenada and two more in Rosarito Beach.  Additionally there have been shoot outs between Municipal Police and members of organized crime as well as an attack on a PEP officer.  To bring us up to speed this morning at 8:14 am Frontera reports the official (finally) count of executions in Tijuana this month stands at 80.  The YTD total for Tijuana alone stands at 531. Since this report, there have been more killings and more left wounded.  I'll be back with more details, the situation is obviously getting worse or at least there has been no improvement.


Localizan Cadaver de Mujer en Cobija
por, Angel F. Gonzalez


P.S. Democracy Now ! repeatedly refers to the drug war as "the so-called drug war".  What do you think they mean by that?  I think they are on to something.  BTW, more moves against Jeff Sessions coming up, I hope.  Paris is really having a difficult time adolescing.  She broke another lamp & when it fell it broke the glass table top of an end table.  She doesn't seem to want to discuss her behavior. 🐶

Is Donald Trump Toast ? - Democracy Now ! Covers Latest Developments in the Anastasio Hernandez Rojas Case Described As An "Extrajudicial Killing" Also Interview with Anabel Hernandez Following The Murder of Journalist Javier Valdez - 05/18 Official Stats as of 8:14am 80 Executed in TIJ This Month - YTD Total in TIJ: 531

Is Robert Mueller the New Lone Ranger?

  Is Donald Trump toast? Well, maybe.  Just starting to read reactions to Robert Mueller being appointed as Special Counsel to oversee the Trump-Russia investigation, here are a few:

The Guardian

Why Trump Can't Fire His Way Out of 'Russia Thing' this Time
by, Julian Borger

The Guardian

Impeachment Seemed Impossible A Few Days Ago.  Not anymore. 
by, Lawrence Douglas

The Democrats are licking their chops.  And, unfortunately for us, even Hillary Clinton is getting in the swing, she is forming an "action group".  Just remember Mexico, she  was/is for the privitization of oil in Mexico.   But wait a minute .... what about this :

The Real News Network

Special Counsel Investigating Trump Campaign Has Deep Ties to the Deep State

This is interesting...found in the comments section of that last piece by Paul Jay:

How NSA Can Secretly Aid Criminal Cases
by, Ray McGovern

By the time you are having your coffee, more reactions here:

Democracy Now !

Okay, so it's a good thing to get rid of the idiot Trump, but what are we left with? Pence and the rest of the neo-fascist lunatics running the US Government.  How do we get rid of them?  Mike does not think Trump will be impeached, and I am having doubts. We'll see.


Democracy Now! discusses  the latest developments in the Anastasio Hernandez Rojas case with John Larson and Christian Ramirez and separate interview with  Enrique Morones of the Border Angels (for Spanish translation hit translation button top right hand of page):

Inter-America Commission on Human Rights to Probe U.S. Border Patrol Killing of Mexican Father

Border Angels Resist Trump's Immigration Crackdown with services and Water for Border-Crossing Migrants

While you are there, note :

Activists Sue to Block Plans to Bury 3.6 Million Pounds of Nuclear Waste Near California Beach 


Javier Valdez & Anabel Hernandez courtesy Democracy Now ! 

Democracy Now ! interviews Anabel Hernandez following the execution of the well loved Mexican journalist, Javier Valdez.  If you read nothing else or watch no other video, do not miss Amy Goodman's interview of Anabel Hernandez.

Anabel Hernandez on the Death of Javier Valdez & Mexican Journalists Confronting a Surge of Violence

Here is coverage of events in Mexico since black Monday of this week, includes link to the 2011 Javier Valdez Cardenas Award Acceptance Speech - please watch:

Saying "No to Silence": Hear Murdered Mexican Journalist Javier Valdez in His Own Words 


Locally, the executions are intensifying in Tijuana as well as Ensenada and two more in Rosarito Beach.  Additionally there have been shoot outs between Municipal Police and members of organized crime as well as an attack on a PEP officer.  To bring us up to speed this morning at 8:14 am Frontera reports the official (finally) count of executions in Tijuana this month stands at 80.  The YTD total for Tijuana alone stands at 531. Since this report, there have been more killings and more left wounded.  I'll be back with more details, the situation is obviously getting worse or at least there has been no improvement.


Localizan Cadaver de Mujer en Cobija
por, Angel F. Gonzalez


P.S. Democracy Now ! repeatedly refers to the drug war as "the so-called drug war".  What do you think they mean by that?  I think they are on to something.  BTW, more moves against Jeff Sessions coming up, I hope.  Paris is really having a difficult time adolescing.  She broke another lamp & when it fell it broke the glass table top of an end table.  She doesn't seem to want to discuss her behavior. 🐶

Sunday, May 14, 2017

IISS Study on Mexico - SNL: Weekend Update on James Comey & Sean Spicer Returns !!

From IISS: Armed Conflict Survey 2017: Chart of Conflict

As all of you may be already aware, a study was released a couple of weeks back showing Mexico is the second most violent and deadly nation in the world, first place was taken by Syria. The link to the IISS study is within this report, and IISS goes on to answer their critics within their site:

The Guardian

Is Mexico Really the Second-Deadliest Country In the World ?
by, David Agren

To be fair, BBC also covered the IISS study in several reports and also mentioned the rejection of the study by Mexican politicos.  However, I saw no mention of Trump embracing the study.  In this snippet BBC offers a video with remarks by Ioan Grillo:


Mexico was 2016's 'Second Most Lethal Conflict', Says Survey 

In case you didn't go to IISS via the guardian, here's a link - you can browse around while you are there:


Mexico's Spiralling Murder Rate
by, Antonio Sampaio


 Locally there is a discrepancy of the numbers of executions just in Tijuana this month and since January of 2017 to date between the authorities and the news media.  We are somewhere between 500 to 510+  for the YTD total executed in Tijuana alone ( at least 50+ this month in TIJ) including the decapitated head left in front of a pre-school last week. I'll be back with those numbers after the dust settles.


If you didn't get the chance, here are two clips from SNL:


SNL:  Weekend Update on James Comey


Sean Spicer Returns


Meanwhile, Paris is looking forward to going to Summer Camp ! ...and finally the sweet pea trellises are up and now I'm looking for an antique Celadon Lamp to replace other things she has broken...the sewage smell has been really bad the past two nights from the Barranca and the trash has not been picked up in a week .


IISS Study on Mexico - SNL: Weekend Update on James Comey & Sean Spicer Returns !!

From IISS: Armed Conflict Survey 2017: Chart of Conflict

As all of you may be already aware, a study was released a couple of weeks back showing Mexico is the second most violent and deadly nation in the world, first place was taken by Syria. The link to the IISS study is within this report, and IISS goes on to answer their critics within their site:

The Guardian

Is Mexico Really the Second-Deadliest Country In the World ?
by, David Agren

To be fair, BBC also covered the IISS study in several reports and also mentioned the rejection of the study by Mexican politicos.  However, I saw no mention of Trump embracing the study.  In this snippet BBC offers a video with remarks by Ioan Grillo:


Mexico was 2016's 'Second Most Lethal Conflict', Says Survey 

In case you didn't go to IISS via the guardian, here's a link - you can browse around while you are there:


Mexico's Spiralling Murder Rate
by, Antonio Sampaio


 Locally there is a discrepancy of the numbers of executions just in Tijuana this month and since January of 2017 to date between the authorities and the news media.  We are somewhere between 500 to 510+  for the YTD total executed in Tijuana alone ( at least 50+ this month in TIJ) including the decapitated head left in front of a pre-school last week. I'll be back with those numbers after the dust settles.


If you didn't get the chance, here are two clips from SNL:


SNL:  Weekend Update on James Comey


Sean Spicer Returns


Meanwhile, Paris is looking forward to going to Summer Camp ! ...and finally the sweet pea trellises are up and now I'm looking for an antique Celadon Lamp to replace other things she has broken...the sewage smell has been really bad the past two nights from the Barranca and the trash has not been picked up in a week .
