
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

One For The DACA Kids !!! Updates 01/10/17 on DACA & TPS From Democracy Now and Aida Chavez of The Intercept - UPDATES 01/11 on DACA & TPS from Last Year (Or, How Trump Plans To Make America White Again) from Politico & Real News & Ryan Devereaux - Currently, Trump Just Called the Countries of TPS Recipients "SHITHOLES" & An Important Analysis From The Washington Post's Andrew Van Dam

I'm back, sort of.  We had an eight hour black out due to the storm here and heavy winds which seem to be calming down a bit; some storm damage in the back.  Paris oh Paris is almost free - she goes back to the VCA at the end of this month for movement tests, x-rays, etc. She is a bundle of high steam energy and is punishing us for the complete inconvenience of her surgeries with lots of acting out.  She can go for very short walkies to the barranca, does not have to wear her combat gear but we are still helping her down the steps.  Meanwhile, I pulled a tendon behind my right ankle and have to wear a boot which doesn't seem to help and makes my foot swell up.  I also caught the weird flu strain and am now just recovering - we had our flu shots back in October.  Gimping around, I have not even taken the Xmas tree down, but when not sleeping have caught up on reading.

The Ultimate American Idiot

Here's the good news: Just when you are demoralized and think Trump the deranged maniac is in control and able to fuck everything completely up, from the  Associated Press:

"Judge blocks Trump decision to end young immigrant program"

Associated Press

SAN FRANCISCO — A federal judge on Tuesday night temporarily blocked the Trump administration's decision to end a program protecting young immigrants from deportation.

U.S. District Judge William Alsup granted a request by California and other plaintiffs to prevent President Donald Trump from ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program while their lawsuits play out in court.

Alsup said lawyers in favor of DACA clearly demonstrated that the young immigrants "were likely to suffer serious, irreparable harm" without court action. The judge also said the lawyers have a strong chance of succeeding at trial.

DACA has protected about 800,000 people who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children or came with families who overstayed visas. The program includes hundreds of thousands of college-age students.

Earlier Tuesday, President Donald Trump and congressional leaders from both parties met at the White House to discuss the DACA program and other immigration issues as they sought a bipartisan deal to avoid a government shutdown, which could occur in 10 days.

Trump suggested that an immigration agreement could be reached by addressing young immigrants and border security with what he called a "bill of love," then by making comprehensive changes that have long eluded Congress.

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced in September that the program would be phased out, saying former President Barack Obama had exceeded his authority when he implemented it in 2012.
The move sparked a flurry of lawsuits nationwide.

Alsup considered five separate lawsuits filed in Northern California, including one by the California and three other states, and another by the governing board of the University of California school system.

"DACA covers a class of immigrants whose presence, seemingly all agree, pose the least, if any, threat and allows them to sign up for honest labor on the condition of continued good behavior," Alsup wrote in his decision. "This has become an important program for DACA recipients and their families, for the employers who hire them, for our tax treasuries, and for our economy."

That echoed the judge's comments from a court hearing on Dec. 20, when he grilled an attorney for the Department of Justice over the government's justification for ending DACA, saying many people had come to rely on it and faced a "real" and "palpable" hardship from its loss.
Alsup also questioned whether the administration had conducted a thorough review before ending the program.

Brad Rosenberg, a Justice Department attorney, said the administration considered the effects of ending DACA and decided to phase it out over time instead of cutting it immediately.
DACA recipients will be allowed to stay in the U.S. for the remainder of their two-year authorizations. Any recipient whose status was due to expire within six months also got a month to apply for another two-year term.

The Justice Department said in court documents that DACA was facing the possibility of an abrupt end by court order, but Alsup was critical of that argument.

People took out loans, enrolled in school and even made decisions about whether to get married and start families on the basis of DACA and now face "horrific" consequences from the loss of the program, said Jeffrey Davidson, an attorney for the University of California governing board.
"The government considered none of this at all when they decided to rescind DACA," he said at the hearing.

DACA recipients are commonly referred to as "dreamers," based on never-passed proposals in Congress called the DREAM Act that would have provided similar protections for young immigrants.
"Dreamers lives were thrown into chaos when the Trump Administration tried to terminate the DACA program without obeying the law," California Attorney General Becerra said in a statement after Tuesday's decision. "Tonight's ruling is a huge step in the right direction."

Dalton reported from Los Angeles. "


But look what he is doing to all of the others.....


Okay electricity went out and I'm on battery....electricity came back on.  Meanwhile the executions are savage and horrendous here - last week Mike passed a dead body on the Scenic Highway on his way to work by Punta Bandera that was partially wrapped in plastic, but the dead person's face and teeth were clearly visible. ( Only saw this reported on Zeta on 01/03: " Hallan cadaver con impacto de bala en craneo") It's completely gross.  I'll be back with the December, 2017 YTD  and current stats  (BTW nothing has changed, in fact it is worse than ever already this month of January we are up to over 53 executions in TIJ.  Welcome to Level 2 everyone !), have to go see the podiatrist in a couple of days.


UPDATE 01/10/17  2:44PM:

 - Democracy Now ! puts the Salvadorian numbers at more like 250,000 people: (Don't miss anything else)

"It's a Nightmare for Us": Up to 250,000 Salvadorans Face Deportation After Trump TPS Decision"

 - From The Intercept this early afternoon:  (Don't miss related and all reports)

  Dreamers Win In Court, But Until Congress Acts, Their Futures are As Uncertain As Ever
by, Aida Chavez 


UPDATES 01/11:

 - Earlier this morning the news read that a potential deal was in the works to grant the DACA/Dreamer kids reinstatement back into the system with the attachment of billions of dollars for a border wall.  You can heave up disgust at this point.  We are all waiting with baited breath to see just how far the Democrats will go and sell their souls for, but maybe that's a good thing.  Maybe if the Democrats actually go along with this hostage deal, people will finally realize how base they are.

I had to look through my notes late last night and found a couple of reports that should affirm that in reality none of us need be surprised over Trump's plans to make America white again ( and BTW google in " The Intercept: Immigration" and you will find report after report of the atrocities the US Government has been guilty of committing these past months regarding immigration.  With the Paris situation, it was impossible for me to blog all of these, and they are outstanding.)

So, let's go to the not too distant wayback machine:

The Real News - 07/07/2017

Secret Memo Revels How Trump Plans to Deport Millions of Immigrants
Interview by Jaisal Noor featuring Marcelo Rochabrun of Politico

The Intercept - 02/23/2017

Donald Trump Plans To Bypass The Courts To Deport As Many People As Possible
 By, Ryan Devereaux and check out his related reports while you are there.


Now today (I'll never get anything done around here today (;):

"Shithole countries" 

This remark of course is being reported just about everywhere around the globe, christ Trump is unhinged !

From Slate:

Trump Told Senators He Doesn't Want Any More Immigrants From "Shithole Countries"
by, Joshua Keating 


Finally I know lots of you don't especially like the Washington Post.  In this case it doesn't matter because this report is terrific, please take the time to read it (no I don't think it was written by the State Department):

The Washington Post - about an hour ago:

Courtesy Washington Post

Trump Wants To Remove These Immigrants.  An Ugly Bit of History Tells Us What It Could Do To The Economy
 by, Andrew Van Dam

  Say "Seig Heil" everyone.   End edit.


 I read that Trump is going to visit the Wall Prototype Shrine here - we'll see - but if he does show up, I wonder if there are going to be riots ?  Anyway you might remember we used Green Day's "American Idiot" as the anti-Bush, anti- Iraq War, anti-empire anthem - it sure holds up:

end edit

One For The DACA Kids !!! Updates 01/10/17 on DACA & TPS From Democracy Now and Aida Chavez of The Intercept - UPDATES 01/11 on DACA & TPS from Last Year (Or, How Trump Plans To Make America White Again) from Politico & Real News & Ryan Devereaux - Currently, Trump Just Called the Countries of TPS Recipients "SHITHOLES" & An Important Analysis From The Washington Post's Andrew Van Dam

I'm back, sort of.  We had an eight hour black out due to the storm here and heavy winds which seem to be calming down a bit; some storm damage in the back.  Paris oh Paris is almost free - she goes back to the VCA at the end of this month for movement tests, x-rays, etc. She is a bundle of high steam energy and is punishing us for the complete inconvenience of her surgeries with lots of acting out.  She can go for very short walkies to the barranca, does not have to wear her combat gear but we are still helping her down the steps.  Meanwhile, I pulled a tendon behind my right ankle and have to wear a boot which doesn't seem to help and makes my foot swell up.  I also caught the weird flu strain and am now just recovering - we had our flu shots back in October.  Gimping around, I have not even taken the Xmas tree down, but when not sleeping have caught up on reading.

The Ultimate American Idiot

Here's the good news: Just when you are demoralized and think Trump the deranged maniac is in control and able to fuck everything completely up, from the  Associated Press:

"Judge blocks Trump decision to end young immigrant program"

Associated Press

SAN FRANCISCO — A federal judge on Tuesday night temporarily blocked the Trump administration's decision to end a program protecting young immigrants from deportation.

U.S. District Judge William Alsup granted a request by California and other plaintiffs to prevent President Donald Trump from ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program while their lawsuits play out in court.

Alsup said lawyers in favor of DACA clearly demonstrated that the young immigrants "were likely to suffer serious, irreparable harm" without court action. The judge also said the lawyers have a strong chance of succeeding at trial.

DACA has protected about 800,000 people who were brought to the U.S. illegally as children or came with families who overstayed visas. The program includes hundreds of thousands of college-age students.

Earlier Tuesday, President Donald Trump and congressional leaders from both parties met at the White House to discuss the DACA program and other immigration issues as they sought a bipartisan deal to avoid a government shutdown, which could occur in 10 days.

Trump suggested that an immigration agreement could be reached by addressing young immigrants and border security with what he called a "bill of love," then by making comprehensive changes that have long eluded Congress.

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced in September that the program would be phased out, saying former President Barack Obama had exceeded his authority when he implemented it in 2012.
The move sparked a flurry of lawsuits nationwide.

Alsup considered five separate lawsuits filed in Northern California, including one by the California and three other states, and another by the governing board of the University of California school system.

"DACA covers a class of immigrants whose presence, seemingly all agree, pose the least, if any, threat and allows them to sign up for honest labor on the condition of continued good behavior," Alsup wrote in his decision. "This has become an important program for DACA recipients and their families, for the employers who hire them, for our tax treasuries, and for our economy."

That echoed the judge's comments from a court hearing on Dec. 20, when he grilled an attorney for the Department of Justice over the government's justification for ending DACA, saying many people had come to rely on it and faced a "real" and "palpable" hardship from its loss.
Alsup also questioned whether the administration had conducted a thorough review before ending the program.

Brad Rosenberg, a Justice Department attorney, said the administration considered the effects of ending DACA and decided to phase it out over time instead of cutting it immediately.
DACA recipients will be allowed to stay in the U.S. for the remainder of their two-year authorizations. Any recipient whose status was due to expire within six months also got a month to apply for another two-year term.

The Justice Department said in court documents that DACA was facing the possibility of an abrupt end by court order, but Alsup was critical of that argument.

People took out loans, enrolled in school and even made decisions about whether to get married and start families on the basis of DACA and now face "horrific" consequences from the loss of the program, said Jeffrey Davidson, an attorney for the University of California governing board.
"The government considered none of this at all when they decided to rescind DACA," he said at the hearing.

DACA recipients are commonly referred to as "dreamers," based on never-passed proposals in Congress called the DREAM Act that would have provided similar protections for young immigrants.
"Dreamers lives were thrown into chaos when the Trump Administration tried to terminate the DACA program without obeying the law," California Attorney General Becerra said in a statement after Tuesday's decision. "Tonight's ruling is a huge step in the right direction."

Dalton reported from Los Angeles. "


But look what he is doing to all of the others.....


Okay electricity went out and I'm on battery....electricity came back on.  Meanwhile the executions are savage and horrendous here - last week Mike passed a dead body on the Scenic Highway on his way to work by Punta Bandera that was partially wrapped in plastic, but the dead person's face and teeth were clearly visible. ( Only saw this reported on Zeta on 01/03: " Hallan cadaver con impacto de bala en craneo") It's completely gross.  I'll be back with the December, 2017 YTD  and current stats  (BTW nothing has changed, in fact it is worse than ever already this month of January we are up to over 53 executions in TIJ.  Welcome to Level 2 everyone !), have to go see the podiatrist in a couple of days.


UPDATE 01/10/17  2:44PM:

 - Democracy Now ! puts the Salvadorian numbers at more like 250,000 people: (Don't miss anything else)

"It's a Nightmare for Us": Up to 250,000 Salvadorans Face Deportation After Trump TPS Decision"

 - From The Intercept this early afternoon:  (Don't miss related and all reports)

  Dreamers Win In Court, But Until Congress Acts, Their Futures are As Uncertain As Ever
by, Aida Chavez 


UPDATES 01/11:

 - Earlier this morning the news read that a potential deal was in the works to grant the DACA/Dreamer kids reinstatement back into the system with the attachment of billions of dollars for a border wall.  You can heave up disgust at this point.  We are all waiting with baited breath to see just how far the Democrats will go and sell their souls for, but maybe that's a good thing.  Maybe if the Democrats actually go along with this hostage deal, people will finally realize how base they are.

I had to look through my notes late last night and found a couple of reports that should affirm that in reality none of us need be surprised over Trump's plans to make America white again ( and BTW google in " The Intercept: Immigration" and you will find report after report of the atrocities the US Government has been guilty of committing these past months regarding immigration.  With the Paris situation, it was impossible for me to blog all of these, and they are outstanding.)

So, let's go to the not too distant wayback machine:

The Real News - 07/07/2017

Secret Memo Revels How Trump Plans to Deport Millions of Immigrants
Interview by Jaisal Noor featuring Marcelo Rochabrun of Politico

The Intercept - 02/23/2017

Donald Trump Plans To Bypass The Courts To Deport As Many People As Possible
 By, Ryan Devereaux and check out his related reports while you are there.


Now today (I'll never get anything done around here today (;):

"Shithole countries" 

This remark of course is being reported just about everywhere around the globe, christ Trump is unhinged !

From Slate:

Trump Told Senators He Doesn't Want Any More Immigrants From "Shithole Countries"
by, Joshua Keating 


Finally I know lots of you don't especially like the Washington Post.  In this case it doesn't matter because this report is terrific, please take the time to read it (no I don't think it was written by the State Department):

The Washington Post - about an hour ago:

Courtesy Washington Post

Trump Wants To Remove These Immigrants.  An Ugly Bit of History Tells Us What It Could Do To The Economy
 by, Andrew Van Dam

  Say "Seig Heil" everyone.   End edit.


 I read that Trump is going to visit the Wall Prototype Shrine here - we'll see - but if he does show up, I wonder if there are going to be riots ?  Anyway you might remember we used Green Day's "American Idiot" as the anti-Bush, anti- Iraq War, anti-empire anthem - it sure holds up:

end edit

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Merry Christmas ! Latest Stats ! Trump Destroys the Planet ! Honduran Election Fraud ! The Song That Paris Loves The Best At Christmas Time !

Angels Paddling Out For A Set Somewhere Where It Is Not Polluted

 Despite the grim news that at 8:54 am this morning of Christmas Eve Frontera reported that in Tijuana alone this month of December there have been 103 executions which brings the YTD total up to 1,698:

Frontera - Frontera Policiaca Streaming

Suman 103 asesinatos en Diciembre 
por, Luis Gerardo Andrade y Angel Gonzalez

And the fact that Trump and his evil minions has been and is causing severe and extensive damage to the USA and the entire world (or is destroying the planet)

Democracy Now !

Truth Out 

The Intercept 

BTW, you can sign up for email notifications from the Intercept now - here's an excellent one (all the reports are super fantastic) :

The Election Fraud In Honduras Follows Decades Of Corruption Funded By the U.S. War On Drugs 
by, Danielle Marie Mackey

Hope ya'll have a nice Christmas.


Paris went into the VCA in San Diego last week with a small hematoma and had one pin removed. She is feeling her oats and wants to run; the message is pretty clear - she broke out the screen on the bedroom window a couple of days ago (on the advise of Bob who told her to bust out and meet up with him under the lamp post at midnight).  Mike carried her down the steps and took her out in front yesterday but she still has to wait several weeks for a walkie.  Next week she goes in again, another xray and maybe another pin removal. She has been watching BBC 4's "The Detectorists" which she really has been enjoying.

Meanwhile I have a lot of cooking to do today (cranberries, mince pie, fruit salad for next door and bread...we're having lamb tomorrow with wild rice), we managed to put up a tree and last minute garland and I somehow found the Instant Nativity Scene, and Mike put a tiny statue of a pup in the Manger.  Have a nice Holiday !

Merry Christmas ! Latest Stats ! Trump Destroys the Planet ! Honduran Election Fraud ! The Song That Paris Loves The Best At Christmas Time !

Angels Paddling Out For A Set Somewhere Where It Is Not Polluted

 Despite the grim news that at 8:54 am this morning of Christmas Eve Frontera reported that in Tijuana alone this month of December there have been 103 executions which brings the YTD total up to 1,698:

Frontera - Frontera Policiaca Streaming

Suman 103 asesinatos en Diciembre 
por, Luis Gerardo Andrade y Angel Gonzalez

And the fact that Trump and his evil minions has been and is causing severe and extensive damage to the USA and the entire world (or is destroying the planet)

Democracy Now !

Truth Out 

The Intercept 

BTW, you can sign up for email notifications from the Intercept now - here's an excellent one (all the reports are super fantastic) :

The Election Fraud In Honduras Follows Decades Of Corruption Funded By the U.S. War On Drugs 
by, Danielle Marie Mackey

Hope ya'll have a nice Christmas.


Paris went into the VCA in San Diego last week with a small hematoma and had one pin removed. She is feeling her oats and wants to run; the message is pretty clear - she broke out the screen on the bedroom window a couple of days ago (on the advise of Bob who told her to bust out and meet up with him under the lamp post at midnight).  Mike carried her down the steps and took her out in front yesterday but she still has to wait several weeks for a walkie.  Next week she goes in again, another xray and maybe another pin removal. She has been watching BBC 4's "The Detectorists" which she really has been enjoying.

Meanwhile I have a lot of cooking to do today (cranberries, mince pie, fruit salad for next door and bread...we're having lamb tomorrow with wild rice), we managed to put up a tree and last minute garland and I somehow found the Instant Nativity Scene, and Mike put a tiny statue of a pup in the Manger.  Have a nice Holiday !

Friday, December 15, 2017

Finally: SADM, Baja Malibu and Playa Blanca Beaches Shut Down Due to Contamination - Updates Ley de Seguridad

Late on these updates, we had to go to Immigration in Tijuana and it took forever.  Finally, it is official SADM, Baja Malibu and Playa Blanca beaches have been officially shut down due to the fecal contamination:


Cierran Playas de San Antonio del Mar, No Estan Aptas Para Recreacion Acuatica

"Following the Protocol of the Clean Beaches Committee of Tijuana, which presides over the XXII City Council, the municipal government informs the public that the beaches of San Antonio del Mar, Playa Blanca and Baja Malibú are not suitable for aquatic recreation, so that uses of direct contact are not recommended, due to out-of-norm values ​​that have been constantly presented.

It is important to mention that according to guidelines, the beaches must remain with precautionary closure and will not be opened until the conditions that gave rise to the determination of the risk have ceased, and will be carried out in a length of 370 linear meters.

The Institute of Public Health Services of Baja California, through the Directorate of Protection against Sanitary Risks, and in accordance with the sanitary surveillance of beaches in coordination with the Beaches Technical Committee, has determined that they have been placed under sanitary surveillance.

It is important to mention that through this committee the control actions are implemented to reestablish the suitable conditions for their recreation and they do not represent a sanitary risk.

These actions include a comprehensive work among government entities such as the International Boundary and Water Commission between Mexico and the United States, the State Public Services Commission of Tijuana, the Navy Secretariat of Mexico, Isesalud, the Municipality and the Commission. Nacional del Agua who are part of the Clean Beaches Committee of Tijuana, in order to prevent and preserve public health.

Isesalud reminds citizens that the criteria for considering a risky beach are based on the amount of Enterococci NMP / 100 ml of beach water according to the following parameters:


For its part, the XXII City Council through the Municipal Fire Department, will be duly signaled to indicate the recommendations and warnings to visitors, in coordination with Aquatic Rescue.

We remind the population to visit the other beaches that are suitable and do not offer health risks, such as La Mojonera beach and Parque México beach in Tijuana beaches.

The purpose of providing information to the population about the risks to which it is exposed is to prevent harm to their health, for which we thank the population for their support in addressing the recommendations issued and we urge them to remain vigilant to the communications issued. .

It is worth mentioning that the signage of a beach not suitable for recreational use may be lifted or modified as soon as the water quality conditions, which gave rise to it, are restored and evidenced by an extraordinary sampling program.

I guess the million dollar questions are is where will the untreated  and raw sewage which has been 
dumped from Tijuana and flowing through the barancas in Real del Mar, here at SADM and Punta Bandera be diverted to - and if Baja Malibu will modernize their dark ages so-called sewage treatment ? And, will the sewage simply be diverted for a period of time to another neighborhood so the beaches can be reopened and when those newly affected neighborhoods complain, re-diverted back here ? Meanwhile of course, the seals, fish and dolphins have all fled for their lives.  Smart move.

Credit for these closures needs to go to Marguerite, Zeta Tijuana and the many concerned Mexican citizens who took the risk and stuck their necks out years ago despite heavy opposition and never stopped exposing and protesting this situation. 


Late Update Ley de Seguridad:

telsur - with related reports
I need to mention that Carlos Alvarez of Zeta has been judiciously covering this subject almost daily; you can catch his reports on Noticias del Dia.


I'll be back with the execution stats, we are over 45 this month in TIJ alone, attacks on officials and another kidnapping in Rosarito Beach.

Finally: SADM, Baja Malibu and Playa Blanca Beaches Shut Down Due to Contamination - Updates Ley de Seguridad

Late on these updates, we had to go to Immigration in Tijuana and it took forever.  Finally, it is official SADM, Baja Malibu and Playa Blanca beaches have been officially shut down due to the fecal contamination:


Cierran Playas de San Antonio del Mar, No Estan Aptas Para Recreacion Acuatica

"Following the Protocol of the Clean Beaches Committee of Tijuana, which presides over the XXII City Council, the municipal government informs the public that the beaches of San Antonio del Mar, Playa Blanca and Baja Malibú are not suitable for aquatic recreation, so that uses of direct contact are not recommended, due to out-of-norm values ​​that have been constantly presented.

It is important to mention that according to guidelines, the beaches must remain with precautionary closure and will not be opened until the conditions that gave rise to the determination of the risk have ceased, and will be carried out in a length of 370 linear meters.

The Institute of Public Health Services of Baja California, through the Directorate of Protection against Sanitary Risks, and in accordance with the sanitary surveillance of beaches in coordination with the Beaches Technical Committee, has determined that they have been placed under sanitary surveillance.

It is important to mention that through this committee the control actions are implemented to reestablish the suitable conditions for their recreation and they do not represent a sanitary risk.

These actions include a comprehensive work among government entities such as the International Boundary and Water Commission between Mexico and the United States, the State Public Services Commission of Tijuana, the Navy Secretariat of Mexico, Isesalud, the Municipality and the Commission. Nacional del Agua who are part of the Clean Beaches Committee of Tijuana, in order to prevent and preserve public health.

Isesalud reminds citizens that the criteria for considering a risky beach are based on the amount of Enterococci NMP / 100 ml of beach water according to the following parameters:


For its part, the XXII City Council through the Municipal Fire Department, will be duly signaled to indicate the recommendations and warnings to visitors, in coordination with Aquatic Rescue.

We remind the population to visit the other beaches that are suitable and do not offer health risks, such as La Mojonera beach and Parque México beach in Tijuana beaches.

The purpose of providing information to the population about the risks to which it is exposed is to prevent harm to their health, for which we thank the population for their support in addressing the recommendations issued and we urge them to remain vigilant to the communications issued. .

It is worth mentioning that the signage of a beach not suitable for recreational use may be lifted or modified as soon as the water quality conditions, which gave rise to it, are restored and evidenced by an extraordinary sampling program.

I guess the million dollar questions are is where will the untreated  and raw sewage which has been 
dumped from Tijuana and flowing through the barancas in Real del Mar, here at SADM and Punta Bandera be diverted to - and if Baja Malibu will modernize their dark ages so-called sewage treatment ? And, will the sewage simply be diverted for a period of time to another neighborhood so the beaches can be reopened and when those newly affected neighborhoods complain, re-diverted back here ? Meanwhile of course, the seals, fish and dolphins have all fled for their lives.  Smart move.

Credit for these closures needs to go to Marguerite, Zeta Tijuana and the many concerned Mexican citizens who took the risk and stuck their necks out years ago despite heavy opposition and never stopped exposing and protesting this situation. 


Late Update Ley de Seguridad:

telsur - with related reports
I need to mention that Carlos Alvarez of Zeta has been judiciously covering this subject almost daily; you can catch his reports on Noticias del Dia.


I'll be back with the execution stats, we are over 45 this month in TIJ alone, attacks on officials and another kidnapping in Rosarito Beach.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Paris Update: Fifth and Sixth Weeks ! - Death Of The Xeriscape Garden @ SADM -SADM Beach Designated A Risk For Health & Environment - Armed Attack In The Sentri Lane - Mexican Mothers Pray to Our Lady Of Guadalupe For Their Missing Children - Don the Beachcomber And His Philistine Buddies @ SADM !

An early Holiday Greeting ! As Peg down the street says, "You know what dog spelled backwards  is, right ?"

 Last week Paris was at the VCA clinic in San Diego and went through the full routine, but this time her bandages and comfy cone were removed.  This is probably the most difficult part of the entire ordeal because Paris thinks she can fly. She is still on anti inflammatory and pain meds.

The past two weeks she has been aching to go for a walkie.  We have to stop her from jumping and of course this is really a challenge because she jumps. We put boxes atop of the furniture so she won't jump up on her old time spots.  Her harness is still on and we still need to lift her down stairs and off the sofa and bed, but she is tired of it.  We have to make sure the doors are closed otherwise she tries to run down to see Bob.  In another week she goes back for more x-rays and possible pin removal and then hopefully she can go for slow walkies.  Once a month she will go in for checkups.  She needs a bath, but I need Mike to be home to help and lift her out of the tub.

However, going for a walkie could be potentially hazardous with the construction around here and nails left in the streets.  And I need to take a few moments to talk about that.

As most of you are aware, four lots were snapped up quickly and quietly (two behind us by the Gilligan Island Frat House and two next to us) and construction on four houses began almost overnight. One neighbor noted that no construction notices or permits were posted - but what's new about that ? Who is going to buy these houses is a mystery - we are assuming it will be people who enjoy living by and smelling the sewage dump.

 From Frontera:  High Levels of Fecal Contamination South of Tijuana

According to the the PFEA the beach with the highest level of pollution is San Antonio (that is here) and it is not suitable for recreation as it exceeds the limit of 200NMP Enterococci/100ml.  the beach represents a risk to human and enviromental health.

Altos Niveles de Contaminacion Fecal al Sur de Tijuana 
por, Esther Hernandez 

Anyone think those conditions are going to change any time soon?  Doubtful.

   Anyway, one of the lots is right next door to ours.  We had made an arrangement with the former owners many years ago that they would allow us to plant plants along side the side of our house and we would keep the lot tidy -  the side of the our house which you also may recall was graffitied or tagged along with our truck and Reuban's property (Reuban's property received a huge penis painted on his wall - in other words, "fuck you" or "shut the fuck up": this is how the real estate gangsters operate, by threats and damaging personal property) when  Reuban & Guillermo attempted to stop the over the height limit view blocking decks. Mike and I helped to support the effort. The President of the HOA here at SADM would not allow us to distribute the petition at the HOA meeting - of course not, the real estate mafia runs everything here at SADM - including but not limited to changing the codes of the HOA to allow the construction of apartments and condos.

 Here are my thoughts on those conditions:  A gringo HOA President dismisses the concerns of Homeowners (and most of those who signed this petition were in fact MEXICAN CITIZENS) and personal property was damaged in an effort to shut people up.  This is purely intimidation - no wonder the Mexican people really do not like the gringos.  Even in their own neighborhood, in their own country they were told in so many words that their concerns and feelings didn't count one little bit; a perfect way to keep them subservient while the gringo real estate vultures and their Mexican sycophants control conditions at SADM in order to make money. The message is clear: don't talk about the pollution, don't talk about the crime and the drug war, don't talk about your property values being lowered because you no longer have a view, don't talk about the realities, don't talk about anything and remember - this is heaven, a safe and glorious place to live. And these intimidating actions leads all of us to think in the back of our minds - if they are capable of damaging personal property, what else are they capable of doing ?

Some man, his name is Tony approached Mike and first warned him that my car would probably get dirty from all the construction and offered to cover it up during the course of their work.  This was odd because there already is a cover over my car.  Mike told him not to worry about it, plus there is an alarm on the car which would go off if anyone touched it.

Next, Tony told Mike all the plants have to go, but he was thinking of leaving the six tall cactus (which reached the roof and were gorgeous) and that he was putting in a sidewalk.  Many years ago we brought in expensive soil and tons of lomax soil conditioner and I had bulbs and roses; we eventually took those out and brought in huge pots, more planting soil & we put in xeriscape plants, some exotic which were really nice. In between the large pots, we had made several hundred trips to the beach collecting river rock, hauled them up and shoveled them in between the pots, it was nice. A wild myapora tree had popped up which I babied along with a huge stick cactus tree which was great for erosion control.

What I wanted to do was to take out three of the most exotic cactus and transplant them, since there was no where to put (or even move) the large pots.  But what Tony the tough guy did was order his crew (or maybe it was his boss who drives a flashy BMW, wears Beverly Hills casual and accents it all with gold chains, bracelets and rings) to do was to stack up construction materials so no one could get through to salvage the plants.  In fact, Mike went out and wanted to spray for ants on the side of our house and was told, "This is private property !"  What the fuck ?  So, not only could we not spray for ants on the side of our house but we couldn't get at the plants to save them. In addition while grading, one of my potted plants which sits on our ledge was knocked over, fell and broke and also fell on two of my 1960 gnomes which I had just painted and broke them. If you are a gnome collector you know there is nothing like an almost sixty year old gnome - they just don't make em any more.

A couple of weeks age, a bulldozer came in and just completely wiped out the river rocks, the pots and the plants, boom gone, without a word.  So this is how it is in Mexico, wanna be real estate gangsters plundering their way into oblivion.  And yet, there is no real estate market at least for the gringos so why bother?  I felt especially bad about this not only because I could not save any plants but it was we who offered water to Tony's crew and told them they could use the hose when we were hit with that awful heat wave and they had no water at all....none not a drop for days in over 100 degree heat.  No one else offered, even Tony's friends he and his cabal rent to above us, the too cool party boys who think they are macho mafiosos living on Gilligan's Island.

A long time ago I wanted to buy that lot and put in some fruit trees and a garden like we had in Punta Banda.... but I'm sure glad we didn't. Everyone we know here along with ourselves wants out (except the party boys on Gilligan's Island).  Did this bum out the Holidays ?  A little, obviously I can't put Christmas lights up on the side of the house and the wild myapora tree, which is dead and gone.  Did I offer Tony a "Fuck Trump" button ?  Hell no, he did the same type of thing you would expect Trump to do. Truthfully, 99.99 percent of these local real estate speculators and investors wholeheartedly supported the Baja Trump Towers Scam at Punta Bandera up the road, so you can't expect much.  However it does give you an idea of where they are coming from and where they are at.  Creepy.

Thought I should add this, because you will not see it in the USA MSM/Corporate News:

From telesur and check out the related reports:

Mexican Mothers Pray To Lady of Guadalupe For Missing Children - 12/12/17


Meanwhile of course the executions savage as ever continue and holy shit watch out if you are in the Sentri lane, not even safe there these days. I'll be back with the stats in between decorating and baking.  Paris is helping with the decorations.

Paris says woof !

For Rick (sorry I meant Don the Beachcomber) the loser and his idiot friends : Why is it you goofballs, why is it you don't confront the two MEN who initiated & pursued for months the petition against the over the height limit view blocking decks Guillermo and Reuban ?  Is it because they are MEN ? Or is it because they are MEXICAN CITIZENS & HOMEOWNERS here  fed up with gringo jackasses like you?  Either way you guys are such a bunch of chicken shits and crooks all you can do is hassle women.  Go fuck yourselves cowards !

 Or for that matter approach the homeowners here who were behind the petition and laugh in their faces, rub their faces in it - what bravado, rub it in their faces that they were screwed by a bunch of gringo goombas, they shouldn't mind - they get screwed all the time here. Take a chance Rick er Don, do it. What is sickening is that your friends have at their fingertips Mexicans working alongside of them, pitching these properties and screwing their own people. Anything to make money.

 How many rentals now ?  Just in these blocks four that we know of (you live in one, your buddy in another) how many more?  The new ones, those will be rentals too? Four more ? Any in the back there - the "American Style Condos" ? What a racket ! That is what I call fast, slick and dirty. You all are such macho men !  Bunch of worthless worms with the intelligence of a herd mentality. Enjoy the view sorry I meant Don, it is completely contaminated with fecal material just like you, a shitbird. This never has seemed to bother you before, you like looking at it.  Go for a long swim, please ! Then move on to the next community or neighborhood in Mexico and fuck it up too ! That is what you do.

Pie Eyed As Usual

For "Don the Beachcomber" and his philistine buddies - Mike's name for Rick who did not give one shit insulting Mike behind his back ! Wow, how brave Don !