
Monday, March 9, 2020

STAND BY ME 2X's Y'ALL !!! The Reverend Jesse Jackson Endorses Bernie !!! "WORKING CLASS FAMILIES" ENDORSE BERNIE !!!Covid Virus Petition From Bernie Sanders To Sign And Pass Along !

Late last night I was feeling defeated, shame on me.  I surfed over to the Intercept and read Ryan Grimm's report on the Rev. Jackson's endorsement of Bernie...and I was lifted up !  BTW, you can sign up for all of Ryan's reports, they are as the following all superlative.

 ~ From The Intercept:

Rainbow Coalition Comes Full Circle As Jesse Jackson Endorses Bernie Sanders
by, Ryan Grim

"Michigan holds a special place in the memory of Jesse Jackson and the supporters of his insurgent 1988 presidential campaign. It was Jackson’s Nevada, the moment that the party establishment realized this campaign it had long written off might just seize the nomination
At a rally in Michigan on Sunday, Jackson will endorse Sanders ahead of a do-or-die primary for the Vermont senator. 

Jackson’s Michigan contest in 1988 fell on March 27. After more than three dozen primaries and caucuses, a crowded presidential field had been winnowed down to three serious contenders: Michael Dukakis, the Massachusetts governor and presumed frontrunner; Missouri Rep. Dick Gephardt; and Jackson, a former close aide to Martin Luther King Jr. and the public bearer of the civil rights movement’s torch.

Joe Biden, then a senator from Delaware, had dropped out of the race following a plagiarism scandal and dismal polling numbers. 

Given Gephardt’s hard-hat, working-class brand, he badly needed a win in Michigan. He threw everything he had left into the state. Dukakis, too, wanted Michigan to show that his appeal extended beyond the liberal confines of Harvard Square, and that he could win back those Reagan Democrats whose defection had cost Jimmy Carter reelection. 

Jackson spent that election day touring Detroit, hitting black churches and five different housing projects. The New York Times’ legendary political reporter, R.W. Apple, was on hand for the last minute push. Jackson, Apple observed in his election night dispatch, “had drawn surprisingly large crowds of both blacks and whites in the last few days,” adding that despite the black establishment’s support of Michael Dukakis — Detroit Mayor Coleman Young was backing Dukakis — Jackson won some Detroit neighborhoods by 15 or 20 to one. “But the surprise was the Chicago clergyman’s powerful showing in predominantly white cities like Lansing, Flint, Kalamazoo and Battle Creek, several of which he carried.”

Indeed, Jackson did more than get out the black vote. Progressive white voters in the state also rallied hard to his cause. (Dean Baker, now a prominent progressive economist, was district director for Jackson in Ann Arbor.) 

The energy of the moment comes through in the Times dispatch. “So dramatically did [Jackson] seize the public imagination that he was able to counter successfully the notion that Mr. Dukakis was the Democrat with the best chance of nomination,” the Times wrote.

Jackson, after 37 primaries and caucuses, was now effectively tied with Dukakis in the delegate count — a stunning moment in American politics that has gone down the memory hole.
The victory generated two polar opposite responses in Washington, D.C., and Burlington, Vermont, both of which would have profound implications for the future of the party. 

In Burlington, the city’s independent mayor, an outspoken supporter of Jackson, had to decide if he would engage directly with the Democratic Party in order to help Jackson win. After the Michigan victory, Bernie Sanders went all in, calling a local press conference and announcing that he would be participating in the April Democratic caucus to back Jackson. “I am the only non-Democrat, non-Republican, independent progressive mayor in the United States of America. OK, it is awkward, I freely admit, it is awkward for me to walk into a Democratic Party caucus, believe me, it is awkward. I am not a Democrat. Period,” he said.
But he said the stakes were too high, and the opportunity too great, to stand aside on principle.  Jackson, he argued, could remake the Democratic Party in an image of social justice. “So while in fact, he may end up losing some conservative white votes, some racist white votes, I think there is a real chance that he could do what [Walter] Mondale couldn’t do in a million years. That is to bring millions and millions of poor people and working people into the political arena who in the past never participated.”
In Washington, though, the reaction was pandemonium. Just as party leaders melted down publicly after Sanders’s win in the Nevada caucuses, they did so after Jackson’s triumph in Michigan. Talk in the top echelons of the Democratic Party turned to panic, with David Espo of the Associated Press reporting that the establishment feared a general election blowout if Jackson was the nominee. Plans were being drawn up, he reported, to draft New York Gov. Mario Cuomo to challenge Jackson at the convention if Dukakis couldn’t stop the reverend. 
E.J. Dionne, then reporting for the New York Times, captured the sense of dread. 
White Democratic leaders who do not support Mr. Jackson admitted they were in a quandary, wondering how to confront the growing movement toward Mr. Jackson without appearing to be racist and without alienating the large core of activists, including many white liberals, that he has attracted….
Around Washington, the words used by leading white Democrats to describe their party’s situation included crisis, disarray, disaster, consternation, mess, and wacky.
“You’ve never heard a sense of panic sweep the party as it has in the last few days,” said David Garth, an adviser to Senator Albert Gore Jr. of Tennessee.
Mr. Garth predicted that ‘”the anti-Jackson constituency, when the reality of his becoming President seeps in, may be a much bigger constituency than there is out there right now.”
Jackson, the Democratic political class argued, was simply unelectable, so the party should go with a winner like Dukakis. Rep. Barney Frank’s sister, Ann Lewis, was working for the Jackson campaign, but Frank was backing his home state governor. He explained to Dionne that there were two reasons Jackson couldn’t win. “One, there is unfortunately still racism in the country. … That doesn’t mean the whole country’s prejudiced. It means that if there’s an irreducible 15 or 20 percent prejudice against a particular group, you’re giving away an awful lot,” Frank said. “Two, he’s still to the left of the country, especially on foreign policy.”

Jackson’s opponents had argued that his proximity to the nomination would paradoxically push some white Democrats away from him. It’s all fine and good to vote for the charismatic black guy with the unifying message in 1988 — indeed, it was an anti-racist badge of honor — just not if he actually might win. The party establishment pulled the fire alarm. I asked Jackson, in an interview for my recent book, “We’ve Got People,” what kind of pressure he felt after his Michigan win. “The pressure was not on me,” he said. “It was the so-called Reagan Democrats who began sewing discord and spreading lies.”

At the April Democratic caucus in Vermont, Sanders spoke on Jackson’s behalf. The interloper’s speech did not go over well with every Democrat. As he headed back to his seat, a woman in the audience slapped him across the face, he later recounted in his 1997 book, “Outsider in the House.” 

Bernie represents direction not complexion. He stood up for me in ’88, and we won Vermont — the whitest state in the country,” Jackson recently recalled to Jeremy Scahill. On the back of the progressive coalition Sanders had organized in Vermont, Jackson won the Vermont caucuses 46 to 45 percent. 

Outside of Vermont, it didn’t go as well. Jackson had been polling ahead in the next state on the calendar, Wisconsin, but the party consolidation behind Dukakis, fueled by the panic, flipped the momentum, and Dukakis took the state.

Over the next month, Dukakis would win Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, and Indiana, and while Jackson continued picking off a state here and some delegates there, the nomination contest was effectively over. As is often the case, political wisdom failed the party elite, and Dukakis was crushed by the unpopular George H.W. Bush.

Jackson’s endorsement comes in the wake of Elizabeth Warren’s departure from the race. “I will not go against Bernie, but I’ve not made a decision to endorse anybody,” Jackson said in a February episode of Intercepted. “And when we talk, I share with him observations. Same with Warren, share observations. I’m not endorsing either one at this point.”

But Jackson was clear on who he would not be supporting. “I think the idea that somehow Biden has largely inherited the black vote in South Carolina is not sound judgment,” he said. “We were saying no to Clarence Thomas; he said yes to Clarence Thomas. We were saying no to the crime bill. He said yes to the crime bill. No to the Iraq War. He said yes to the Iraq War. He’s on a different side of history. It’s his right to be there, but he might as well own up to his side of history.”

Jackson said that Biden had taken on the aura of Obama, though that misunderstood the role Biden had played on the Obama’s ticket. “Joe Biden is seen as connected to Barack. He was put on the ticket to balance the ticket not to enhance it. Barack was against the Iraq War. He was for the Iraq War. Barack was against the crime bill. He was for the crime bill. Barack was supporting Anita Hill, and Biden let Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court as a monument to his leadership in that committee. So his proximity to Barack gives the impression he is active in civil rights is clearer than it is,” Jackson said. “Biden was Barack’s right wing. With Barack out, there’s nothing left but the right wing.” 

Biden isn’t offering a vision that meets the moment, Jackson said. “His message does not address the pain of our people. I’m not sure what moderate means if people don’t have affordable health care. I’m not sure what moderate, ‘I’m a moderate’ means to us. In fact, it means very little to us,” he said.

Just as Biden isn’t moderate, Jackson argued, Sanders isn’t on the left. “What Sanders represents is not the left wing,” he said. “It’s the moral center. Health care for everybody is moral. Education even for the poor without student loan debt is the moral center. Middle East policy where you recognize Israel and Palestine is the moral center.”

Ryan Grim is the author of the book “We’ve Got People: From Jesse Jackson to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the End of Big Money and the Rise of a Movement.”


 Here is the Rev. Jackson's full statement - and BTW, just noticed Ryan Grim is covering yet another important endorsement of Bernie, "The Working Families Party'"


At some point I will be back with the local drug war events know, I was saving this for Elizabeth Warren...well, if she ever comes around  (???) we can put it up again...and I adore Jesse Jackson, always have thank you Rev !~!! 



One last might be interested in signing this petition !

Marjorie - 

I know that we have a number of important primaries tomorrow, but I want to take a moment to write about the growing threat of COVID-19, otherwise known as the coronavirus — something I will be discussing at a roundtable in Michigan at 3:15pm Eastern today. I hope you will tune in online to watch. 

Then, at the end of the email I am going to ask you to take action to make it clear that once a coronavirus vaccine is developed, it will be made available for FREE — something Trump’s Health and Human Services Secretary could not agree to. And, any testing, treatment, or quarantine should be free too. 

If you’re ready to sign that petition, you can do so here. And then I’ll talk more about this crisis and the steps we must take as a country going forward.

Right now in the United States, reports suggest over 500 confirmed cases across many different states and Washington, D.C., and at least 22 deaths. But the truth is, we cannot be sure about these numbers because the Trump administration has completely mismanaged making coronavirus testing available, and local clinics and hospitals are still woefully unprepared to diagnose potential cases. 

And, unfortunately, the more we know about this developing crisis, the more it is becoming clear that not only is the Trump administration incompetent, but that our current dysfunctional health care system is vastly underprepared for this pandemic.
To start, we should not be having someone like Vice President Pence leading the task — somebody who, to be charitable, is not a great advocate for science in general. 

Sadly, I have very little confidence in the Trump administration to do anything that is right or decent, or certainly based on science. 

I know that we have a brilliant president who has clearly studied this issue very intently, but this is the guy, Donald Trump, who thinks climate change is a hoax, and just last month was telling us that this crisis would somehow magically end in April.
This is the guy, Donald Trump, who said he didn’t “necessarily agree with proactive testing,” and that we’d find out where people were infected “by waiting.” 

This is the guy, our president, who said that we have “hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know sitting around and even going to work.” 

And this is the guy who, at the Centers for Disease Control, said, “maybe I have a natural ability” to understand the deadly illness. 

So no. I am not very confident in the president’s ability to manage this crisis.
The truth is, we need real scientists and health care professionals in charge of the coronavirus response and communicating updates to the public. 

But we also need to acknowledge what the Trump administration has not been able to ignore: under our current, dysfunctional for-profit health care system, people don’t go to the doctor if they cannot afford it. And during an infectious health crisis like this one, that means that potential carriers of the virus may not get checked out if they’re showing symptoms. 

And the truth is, even the Trump administration has figured out that maybe it’s not a great idea to have people who might have the virus walking around the streets and going to work if they can’t afford health care and to get a checkup from a doctor.
I think even they have figured out that it’s a good idea to make sure that people who feel sick or may have some of the symptoms actually go into a doctor’s office. 

They’ve even proposed using federal funds to pay for medical treatment of people who lack insurance. 

Sounds a little bit like Medicare for All. 

Imagine that. 

But I’m glad at least that they recognize it’s totally insane and dangerous to our society that if you’re walking around and infecting other people and you’re not going to the doctor when you should because you don’t have insurance that is counterproductive for the whole society. 

I’m glad they at least recognize that. 

Small steps... 

So yes, this crisis is another clear example of why we must guarantee health care as a right for every single man, woman and child in this country. While some won’t get the treatment they need because they can’t afford it, others will be hit by massive medical bills simply for doing the right things. People will face bills in the hundreds of thousands for hospitalization, treatment and quarantine if they need it. That must end.
This crisis is another example of why we need universal paid family leave in this country, so people who are sick can stay home, recover, and prevent the virus from spreading. 

This crisis is another example of why we must take on the greed of the pharmaceutical industry. It is outrageous that during his Congressional testimony, Trump’s HHS Secretary would not guarantee that a coronavirus vaccine would be affordable to all.
The vaccine, once developed, should be free. And testing, treatment, and quarantine should be free too. 

Health experts agree that the spread of the coronavirus will likely get worse before it gets better. 

Donald Trump must stop spreading lies and fear, and leave the science to scientists and health professionals, not politicians. We must make certain that we are prepared for a pandemic, just as we do with FEMA and natural disasters. 

Thank you for reading. 

In solidarity,
Bernie Sanders 


For the Working Class Families !


Hey Elizabeth, I have one with Bono and Springsteen...interested ???  


Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Discussion Of The Southern Black Vote For Biden From Democracy Now! - A Closer Look At Joe Biden - Coronel West !

BTW, the transcripts of these interviews are available in Spanish - just click the "Espanol" button on the top right of the page. (For our Mexican amigos)

Biden swept the old south and swept up the black vote yesterday on Super Tuesday, which shocked many of us and we were left wondering, why ?  Does Bernie scare them?  I don't think so, I think it was a massive vote in support of Barrack Obama, the icon of the black people who has been insulted and ridiculed and every piece of good legislation which was enabled during his terms has been either wiped out completely, obliterated or is in the process of being terminated by Donald Trump. The overall Black Communities across the USA deeply loved Barrack and Michelle, and they still do and always will, forever. (Don't say nuthin bad about my baby !...or That's How Strong My Love Is !)) To them,  Biden represents an extension of Barrack, even though it is an emotional nostalgic extension and unfortunately for the Black Communities represented in the Southern block, it is misguided and  misplaced  support:

***On edit :  another must read /listen:

 ~ From Democracy Now !:

Part One:

The Case Against Joe Biden: Former VP's Long Career Shows a Recurring Theme of "Appeasing the Right" 

Part Two:

Joe Biden's History of Selling the Iraq Invasion, Expanding Prisons & Pulling Democrats to the Right 

 As far as being scared, hell yes, Trump scares the shit out of them (as he does all the rest of us) and they are weary from being beaten down.  Having every powerful Democratic political figurehead endorsing Biden after South Carolina was no help; that was well planned and a pressure cooker ready to blow, which it did. There is a complete and rampant mis understanding of Democratic Socialism not only in the Black Communities, but also in White Communities.  Here's a look at some very important interviews addressing this issue of the Black mindset, and I promise to find more. And, goodbye and good riddance to Bloomberg.

From Democracy Now !

After Biden's Super Tuesday Surge, Sanders Campaign Faces Questions About African-American Spport - Transcript


This is from yesterday, with my fave, Coronel West who states, "...we have to reinvigorate Democracy in the U.S., or it is over."  And he is correct. 

Great Debate: Sanders surrogate Cornel West vs. Bloomberg co-chair Bobby Rush, Former Black Panther  - Transcript


Completely behind here, will be back with the stats.  It's not too late...get on board with Bernie !


Discussion Of The Southern Black Vote For Biden From Democracy Now! - A Closer Look At Joe Biden - Coronel West !

BTW, the transcripts of these interviews are available in Spanish - just click the "Espanol" button on the top right of the page. (For our Mexican amigos)

Biden swept the old south and swept up the black vote yesterday on Super Tuesday, which shocked many of us and we were left wondering, why ?  Does Bernie scare them?  I don't think so, I think it was a massive vote in support of Barrack Obama, the icon of the black people who has been insulted and ridiculed and every piece of good legislation which was enabled during his terms has been either wiped out completely, obliterated or is in the process of being terminated by Donald Trump. The overall Black Communities across the USA deeply loved Barrack and Michelle, and they still do and always will, forever. (Don't say nuthin bad about my baby !...or That's How Strong My Love Is !)) To them,  Biden represents an extension of Barrack, even though it is an emotional nostalgic extension and unfortunately for the Black Communities represented in the Southern block, it is misguided and  misplaced  support:

***On edit :  another must read /listen:

 ~ From Democracy Now !:

Part One:

The Case Against Joe Biden: Former VP's Long Career Shows a Recurring Theme of "Appeasing the Right" 

Part Two:

Joe Biden's History of Selling the Iraq Invasion, Expanding Prisons & Pulling Democrats to the Right 

 As far as being scared, hell yes, Trump scares the shit out of them (as he does all the rest of us) and they are weary from being beaten down.  Having every powerful Democratic political figurehead endorsing Biden after South Carolina was no help; that was well planned and a pressure cooker ready to blow, which it did. There is a complete and rampant mis understanding of Democratic Socialism not only in the Black Communities, but also in White Communities.  Here's a look at some very important interviews addressing this issue of the Black mindset, and I promise to find more. And, goodbye and good riddance to Bloomberg.

From Democracy Now !

After Biden's Super Tuesday Surge, Sanders Campaign Faces Questions About African-American Spport - Transcript


This is from yesterday, with my fave, Coronel West who states, "...we have to reinvigorate Democracy in the U.S., or it is over."  And he is correct. 

Great Debate: Sanders surrogate Cornel West vs. Bloomberg co-chair Bobby Rush, Former Black Panther  - Transcript


Completely behind here, will be back with the stats.  It's not too late...get on board with Bernie !


Monday, March 2, 2020

It's The Night Before Super Tuesday and I'm Pissed Off ... Or, As Sister Rosetta said, " I'm Troubled ! "

Not because of this hernia-muscle thing (BTW, I could not take the tramodol, it made me sick) but I was stunned by the So. Carolina results.  I knew it was going to be tight, but that was a complete blowout.  After the shock wore off, I kept asking, "...wait a minute, don't these black folks remember that it was Bernie who marched, organized and demonstrated for Civil Rights and was actually arrested ?  NOT JOE BIDEN." It is disturbing.

Bernie Arrested Chicago August 1963

Same time, Same Place and I don't See Hillary, Barack O'bama, Biden, Pete  or Amy: Where The Fuck Are They ??? Oh right almost forgot, Hillary was getting ready to work for Barry Goldwater the white racist from Arizona and his  buddies, the John Birch Society.

"Although Sanders did attend the 1963 March on Washington, at which Lewis spoke, most of his work was in and around Hyde Park, where he became involved with the campus chapter of CORE [Congress of Racial Equality] shortly after transferring from Brooklyn College in 1961. During Sanders’ first year in Chicago, a group of apartment-hunting white and black students had discovered that off-campus buildings owned by the university were refusing to rent to black students, in violation of the school’s policies. CORE organized a 15-day sit-in at the administration building, which Sanders helped lead. The protest ended when George Beadle, the university’s president, agreed to form a commission to study the school’s housing policies.
That spring, with Sanders as its chairman, the university chapter of CORE merged with the university chapter of SNCC [Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee]. Sanders announced plans to take the fight to the city of Chicago, and in the fall of 1962 he followed through, organizing picketers at a Howard Johnson in Cicero. Sanders told the Chicago Maroon, the student newspaper, that he wanted to keep the pressure on the restaurant chain after the arrest of 12 CORE demonstrators in North Carolina for trying to eat at a Howard Johnson there.
Sanders left his leadership role at the organization not long afterward; his grades suffered so much from his activism that a dean asked him to take some time off from school. But he continued his activism with CORE and SNCC. In August of 1963, not long after returning to Chicago from the March on Washington, Sanders was charged with resisting arrest after protesting segregation at a school on the city’s South Side. He was later fined $25, according to the Chicago Tribune."

1964: Sister Rosetta !!!


 In case you are interested here's more bad news:

Pete & Amy, and the great almighty O'Rourke from Texas DNC Loyalists all have dropped out and endorsed fucking Biden. They were joined by:

 ~ From CNN:

The Stop Sanders Movement Has Gone Public
Analysis by Chris Cilliza who is just another DNC Loyalist Corporate Asshole Spokesperson

Just a sampling:

 ~ From Democracy Now !

Democratic Superdelegates Overwhelmingly Oppose Bernie Sanders Campaign

"Front-runner Bernie Sanders held a massive rally Thursday in Spartanburg, South Carolina, where he called his campaign a “movement that cannot be stopped.”
Sen. Bernie Sanders: “It is a movement for economic justice, for social justice, for racial justice, for environmental justice. And when millions of people stand up and fight back, nothing on Earth can stop us.”
Sanders also rallied Thursday at Winston-Salem State University in North Carolina, where he led a march of hundreds of students to an early-voting site. Later Thursday, thousands of Sanders supporters packed a rally in Richmond, Virginia — another Super Tuesday state.

The New York Times interviewed dozens of Democratic establishment leaders who will serve as “superdelegates” at the party’s nominating convention in July, and found the vast majority are so opposed to Bernie Sanders’s candidacy, they’re willing to risk damage to the Democratic Party.

Of 93 superdelegates surveyed by the Times, nearly all said they would vote against Sanders in a brokered convention, if Sanders were to arrive with a plurality — and not a majority — of pledged delegates.

Many of the superdelegates are corporate lobbyists with healthcare clients opposing Sanders’s Medicare for All legislation. The Intercept’s Lee Fang reports one of them, Democratic National Committee member William Owen, donated exclusively to Republican Senate candidates during the last election cycle — including an $8,500 contribution to a joint fundraising committee designed to benefit Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Owen is backing former Vice President Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination in 2020."


 ~ From The Intercept: Please if you haven't already, read the related articles at the end of this report:

The Biden's Chief Strategist Lobbied To Undermine Barrack and Michelle Obama's Signature Initiatives
By, Lee Fang 


Well, here's some good news, I hope these gals are right: (Mike in background "....don't forget Amy has been bought off by Big Agriculture !") I don't think Amy eats organic popcorn either. Ah ! the Duopoly strikes again.

 ~ From The Intercept:

Don't Tell Cable Pundits That Bernie Sanders Is Leading Nationally Among Black Voters
By, Nausican Renner, Aida Chavez, Akela Lacy 


~ From Truthdig:

The Sanders Coalition Is Set To Shock the World on Super Tuesday
 By, Norman Soloman

 ~ Everything Under The Stars Here: 



In closing....

It's The Night Before Super Tuesday and I'm Pissed Off ... Or, As Sister Rosetta said, " I'm Troubled ! "

Not because of this hernia-muscle thing (BTW, I could not take the tramodol, it made me sick) but I was stunned by the So. Carolina results.  I knew it was going to be tight, but that was a complete blowout.  After the shock wore off, I kept asking, "...wait a minute, don't these black folks remember that it was Bernie who marched, organized and demonstrated for Civil Rights and was actually arrested ?  NOT JOE BIDEN." It is disturbing.

Bernie Arrested Chicago August 1963

Same time, Same Place and I don't See Hillary, Barack O'bama, Biden, Pete  or Amy: Where The Fuck Are They ??? Oh right almost forgot, Hillary was getting ready to work for Barry Goldwater the white racist from Arizona and his  buddies, the John Birch Society.

"Although Sanders did attend the 1963 March on Washington, at which Lewis spoke, most of his work was in and around Hyde Park, where he became involved with the campus chapter of CORE [Congress of Racial Equality] shortly after transferring from Brooklyn College in 1961. During Sanders’ first year in Chicago, a group of apartment-hunting white and black students had discovered that off-campus buildings owned by the university were refusing to rent to black students, in violation of the school’s policies. CORE organized a 15-day sit-in at the administration building, which Sanders helped lead. The protest ended when George Beadle, the university’s president, agreed to form a commission to study the school’s housing policies.
That spring, with Sanders as its chairman, the university chapter of CORE merged with the university chapter of SNCC [Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee]. Sanders announced plans to take the fight to the city of Chicago, and in the fall of 1962 he followed through, organizing picketers at a Howard Johnson in Cicero. Sanders told the Chicago Maroon, the student newspaper, that he wanted to keep the pressure on the restaurant chain after the arrest of 12 CORE demonstrators in North Carolina for trying to eat at a Howard Johnson there.
Sanders left his leadership role at the organization not long afterward; his grades suffered so much from his activism that a dean asked him to take some time off from school. But he continued his activism with CORE and SNCC. In August of 1963, not long after returning to Chicago from the March on Washington, Sanders was charged with resisting arrest after protesting segregation at a school on the city’s South Side. He was later fined $25, according to the Chicago Tribune."

1964: Sister Rosetta !!!


 In case you are interested here's more bad news:

Pete & Amy, and the great almighty O'Rourke from Texas DNC Loyalists all have dropped out and endorsed fucking Biden. They were joined by:

 ~ From CNN:

The Stop Sanders Movement Has Gone Public
Analysis by Chris Cilliza who is just another DNC Loyalist Corporate Asshole Spokesperson

Just a sampling:

 ~ From Democracy Now !

Democratic Superdelegates Overwhelmingly Oppose Bernie Sanders Campaign

"Front-runner Bernie Sanders held a massive rally Thursday in Spartanburg, South Carolina, where he called his campaign a “movement that cannot be stopped.”
Sen. Bernie Sanders: “It is a movement for economic justice, for social justice, for racial justice, for environmental justice. And when millions of people stand up and fight back, nothing on Earth can stop us.”
Sanders also rallied Thursday at Winston-Salem State University in North Carolina, where he led a march of hundreds of students to an early-voting site. Later Thursday, thousands of Sanders supporters packed a rally in Richmond, Virginia — another Super Tuesday state.

The New York Times interviewed dozens of Democratic establishment leaders who will serve as “superdelegates” at the party’s nominating convention in July, and found the vast majority are so opposed to Bernie Sanders’s candidacy, they’re willing to risk damage to the Democratic Party.

Of 93 superdelegates surveyed by the Times, nearly all said they would vote against Sanders in a brokered convention, if Sanders were to arrive with a plurality — and not a majority — of pledged delegates.

Many of the superdelegates are corporate lobbyists with healthcare clients opposing Sanders’s Medicare for All legislation. The Intercept’s Lee Fang reports one of them, Democratic National Committee member William Owen, donated exclusively to Republican Senate candidates during the last election cycle — including an $8,500 contribution to a joint fundraising committee designed to benefit Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Owen is backing former Vice President Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination in 2020."


 ~ From The Intercept: Please if you haven't already, read the related articles at the end of this report:

The Biden's Chief Strategist Lobbied To Undermine Barrack and Michelle Obama's Signature Initiatives
By, Lee Fang 


Well, here's some good news, I hope these gals are right: (Mike in background "....don't forget Amy has been bought off by Big Agriculture !") I don't think Amy eats organic popcorn either. Ah ! the Duopoly strikes again.

 ~ From The Intercept:

Don't Tell Cable Pundits That Bernie Sanders Is Leading Nationally Among Black Voters
By, Nausican Renner, Aida Chavez, Akela Lacy 


~ From Truthdig:

The Sanders Coalition Is Set To Shock the World on Super Tuesday
 By, Norman Soloman

 ~ Everything Under The Stars Here: 



In closing....

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

I Found Some Bernie Ads By GreenBlackLogic (aka Jack Green) !! - John Oliver on Medicare For All - Yale Study On Medicare For All - The Crucifixion Of Bernie From the Intercept...and...Paul Street On How They Are Trying to Bury Bernie - 123 Executions So Far this Month In Tijuana - YTD Total For Tijuana = 290 Dead

Okay, this was my last day on ibuprofen, but I'm afraid to take the tramadol...we'll see how it goes.

Meanwhile somehow I found these Bernie ads which were put together by "GreenBlackLogic" on You Tube; GreenBlack Logic says:

" GreenBlackLogic Pinned by GreenBlackLogic GreenBlackLogic 22 hours ago It's officially passed 100,000 views! Many thanks to Kyle Kulinski, Michael Moore and everyone else who shared this ad to help spread the word, and there's more ads coming. Bernie 2020! "

Also, John Oliver on "Medicare For All".  Locally down here - even nationally there doesn't seem to be much interest in the US election, and I imagine there is no interest in "Medicare For All" at all especially since the plan is to build huge Hospital facilities  (at least in Tijuana where the construction has already started under the guise of "Medical Tourism") for the surplus  millions of gringos who can't afford to pay the US Insurance and Hospital costs.

1. "Thank You | Bernie 2020 Ad" by, Jack Green

2.  "Bernie vs. Trump | Bernie 2020 Ad" By, Jack Green


3. "Medicare For All: Last Week Tonight With John Oliver (HBO) - 02/16/20 (19 minutes)



More on Medicare For All:

 ~  From Democracy Now!:

Yale Study Says Medicare For All Would Save U.S. $450 billion, Prevent Nearly 70,000 Deaths a Year 


More On the Crucifixion Of Bernie: 

The Intercept

 ~ From Counterpunch: And it is in full swing to bring Bernie to Full Stop:

The "Liberal" Media's Propaganda War On Bernie Sanders
By, Paul Street 

 ~ All the news:

Democracy Now !


And finally some stats:

From Zeta - BTW, click Noticias del Dia, another Radio host (and his wife) blown away.
Here is the previous one just a few days ago in Juarez.  See no evil,Hear no evil, Speak no evil.

 Reportan 6 Muertos en Tijuana - 02/24/20

  "During the last hours, six people were reported dead in Tijuana, according to the State Security and Investigation Guard. So far in February, 123 wrongful killings have been recorded. Yesterday, February 23, at around 6:05 a.m. on Real de Nayarit Street, corner of Real de las Lomas Street in front of # 23 A Colonia Real de San Francisco, a young man identified as Gabriel Eduardo Verduzco Solís, 18 years old , perished after an armed attack. Another individual was injured, so it was necessary to transfer to a hospital. An hour later, on a neighborhood road in front of the Seventh-day Adventist Christian church, in the San Luis neighborhood, a male corpse was located. The victim has not been identified. Later, a male between 30 and 35 years old was killed while on San Francisco and Jalisco Street in the creek of the stream, in the Lomas Taurinas neighborhood. The victim had chest injuries. Then on Hacienda San Rafael Street in the Terrazas del Valle neighborhood, second section, José Luis Herrera Villarreal, 19, was found lifeless. The deceased today had head injuries caused by a firearm. While the morning of this Monday 24, in a vacant lot located on King David Street and Buenos Aires, the body of a male with traces of violence was found. He was bound hand and foot. Finally, at around 08:50 a.m. there was an assault on shots against a couple who were aboard a vehicle on the ITR Nuevo León street in the Technological colony. The woman was declared lifeless in the place, while the man was transferred to a local hospital. His state of health is serious. Witnesses report that the alleged perpetrators fled in a blue vehicle. At the scene of the crime several caps were located. In Tijuana, so far this year there have been 290 malicious killings." ~~~~~


Poor Mike has been picking up the slack around here.. he brings me acai sorbets, he's been buying out Sprouts & Vons.......I think it is going to be tight in So. Carolina on Saturday, we'll see. You can vote here regarding last night's debate:

 ~ From The Oregonian:

Who Won The South Carolina Democratic Debate? Vote Here

See you guys later. 

I Found Some Bernie Ads By GreenBlackLogic (aka Jack Green) !! - John Oliver on Medicare For All - Yale Study On Medicare For All - The Crucifixion Of Bernie From the Intercept...and...Paul Street On How They Are Trying to Bury Bernie - 123 Executions So Far this Month In Tijuana - YTD Total For Tijuana = 290 Dead

Okay, this was my last day on ibuprofen, but I'm afraid to take the tramadol...we'll see how it goes.

Meanwhile somehow I found these Bernie ads which were put together by "GreenBlackLogic" on You Tube; GreenBlack Logic says:

" GreenBlackLogic Pinned by GreenBlackLogic GreenBlackLogic 22 hours ago It's officially passed 100,000 views! Many thanks to Kyle Kulinski, Michael Moore and everyone else who shared this ad to help spread the word, and there's more ads coming. Bernie 2020! "

Also, John Oliver on "Medicare For All".  Locally down here - even nationally there doesn't seem to be much interest in the US election, and I imagine there is no interest in "Medicare For All" at all especially since the plan is to build huge Hospital facilities  (at least in Tijuana where the construction has already started under the guise of "Medical Tourism") for the surplus  millions of gringos who can't afford to pay the US Insurance and Hospital costs.

1. "Thank You | Bernie 2020 Ad" by, Jack Green

2.  "Bernie vs. Trump | Bernie 2020 Ad" By, Jack Green


3. "Medicare For All: Last Week Tonight With John Oliver (HBO) - 02/16/20 (19 minutes)



More on Medicare For All:

 ~  From Democracy Now!:

Yale Study Says Medicare For All Would Save U.S. $450 billion, Prevent Nearly 70,000 Deaths a Year 


More On the Crucifixion Of Bernie: 

The Intercept

 ~ From Counterpunch: And it is in full swing to bring Bernie to Full Stop:

The "Liberal" Media's Propaganda War On Bernie Sanders
By, Paul Street 

 ~ All the news:

Democracy Now !


And finally some stats:

From Zeta - BTW, click Noticias del Dia, another Radio host (and his wife) blown away.
Here is the previous one just a few days ago in Juarez.  See no evil,Hear no evil, Speak no evil.

 Reportan 6 Muertos en Tijuana - 02/24/20

  "During the last hours, six people were reported dead in Tijuana, according to the State Security and Investigation Guard. So far in February, 123 wrongful killings have been recorded. Yesterday, February 23, at around 6:05 a.m. on Real de Nayarit Street, corner of Real de las Lomas Street in front of # 23 A Colonia Real de San Francisco, a young man identified as Gabriel Eduardo Verduzco Solís, 18 years old , perished after an armed attack. Another individual was injured, so it was necessary to transfer to a hospital. An hour later, on a neighborhood road in front of the Seventh-day Adventist Christian church, in the San Luis neighborhood, a male corpse was located. The victim has not been identified. Later, a male between 30 and 35 years old was killed while on San Francisco and Jalisco Street in the creek of the stream, in the Lomas Taurinas neighborhood. The victim had chest injuries. Then on Hacienda San Rafael Street in the Terrazas del Valle neighborhood, second section, José Luis Herrera Villarreal, 19, was found lifeless. The deceased today had head injuries caused by a firearm. While the morning of this Monday 24, in a vacant lot located on King David Street and Buenos Aires, the body of a male with traces of violence was found. He was bound hand and foot. Finally, at around 08:50 a.m. there was an assault on shots against a couple who were aboard a vehicle on the ITR Nuevo León street in the Technological colony. The woman was declared lifeless in the place, while the man was transferred to a local hospital. His state of health is serious. Witnesses report that the alleged perpetrators fled in a blue vehicle. At the scene of the crime several caps were located. In Tijuana, so far this year there have been 290 malicious killings." ~~~~~


Poor Mike has been picking up the slack around here.. he brings me acai sorbets, he's been buying out Sprouts & Vons.......I think it is going to be tight in So. Carolina on Saturday, we'll see. You can vote here regarding last night's debate:

 ~ From The Oregonian:

Who Won The South Carolina Democratic Debate? Vote Here

See you guys later. 

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Keep On Rockin' In the Free World !!! Bernie Takes Nevada !!! And Go Fuck Yourself Trump !!!

I can sit here and do this because the ibuprofen I took has kicked in:  OMG Go Bernie !!!



Keep On Rockin' In The Free World You Guys..... !!!!


Keep On Rockin' In the Free World !!! Bernie Takes Nevada !!! And Go Fuck Yourself Trump !!!

I can sit here and do this because the ibuprofen I took has kicked in:  OMG Go Bernie !!!



Keep On Rockin' In The Free World You Guys..... !!!!


Friday, February 21, 2020

The Russians Are Coming...Again !

It appears they have landed somewhere in the South Bay or this could possibly be the Punta Banda Estuary ! OMG !

The Russians Are Coming...Again ! ( volga boat guys song on link)

As it happens, I have been out of circulation since the shooting at SADM.  I had to go to Sharp Urgent Care for outrageous pain down by my kidney.  For over a week, I thought maybe this was a Kidney infection so I was drinking tons of Cranberry juice.  The Doctor there diagnosed this as a hernia.  Next, I had to go back up and check in with my Primary Care Physician who is an internist, who doesn't think this is a hernia but a problem with the muscle, and no one will really know until I get a Cat-scan which is scheduled in two weeks, then a return trip to the Primary Doctor at the end of March.  The problem is I am in intolerable pain and self medicating with ibuprofen, which we all know is really bad for kidneys.  Right now I am slightly numbed out by 800mg of ibuprofen every eight hours and really pissed off that our Medical Insurance(the co-pay on cat scan is $125.00) and Provider (Sharp Reese Stealy)  are pieces of shit. It still is impossible for me to bend over or get up from sitting or even walk.  We are attempting to speed this process up, and get some answers and service.  Sharp Reese Stealy overloads their Doctors and this insurance is expensive ($1,000.00 a month)...what a joke. I guess we're all in the same boat.  So, going to make this short and sweet and go back to bed.

Edit:  Mike called SRS early this afternoon for someone to address this problem and was told someone would call him back.  They never called him back.

John King Takes On Trump Jr's attack: This Is Dangerous 


11 Bottles Of Beer On the Wall.....

 ~ From The Chicago Tribune/New York Times: 

The 11 Criminals Granted Clemency by Trump Had One Thing In Common: Connections


All The News:

Democracy Now ! 


Local Mayhem:

The last I checked  90 people executed in TIJ this month (which so far is incredibly low as compared to previous monthly totals - to early to tell if this is the beginning of a trend or just a lull in the action)) and we are back to body parts again both here and in Ensenada.  So, what you need to do is go to the link, drop down to to Noticias del Dia to stay informed.; infact hit all the links. You will notice the urgent call from the Mexican population to end the Femicides, and make a mental note to yourselves exactly how AMLO plans to deal with this outrage. Looks like CANACO has some good ideas, I'll post that a bit later. Big show of force in the Zona Rio a couple of days back:

Zeta Tijuana 


Unsure of when I'll be back kids...


 ~ Nevada Caucus tomorrow !

The Russians Are Coming...Again !

It appears they have landed somewhere in the South Bay or this could possibly be the Punta Banda Estuary ! OMG !

The Russians Are Coming...Again ! ( volga boat guys song on link)

As it happens, I have been out of circulation since the shooting at SADM.  I had to go to Sharp Urgent Care for outrageous pain down by my kidney.  For over a week, I thought maybe this was a Kidney infection so I was drinking tons of Cranberry juice.  The Doctor there diagnosed this as a hernia.  Next, I had to go back up and check in with my Primary Care Physician who is an internist, who doesn't think this is a hernia but a problem with the muscle, and no one will really know until I get a Cat-scan which is scheduled in two weeks, then a return trip to the Primary Doctor at the end of March.  The problem is I am in intolerable pain and self medicating with ibuprofen, which we all know is really bad for kidneys.  Right now I am slightly numbed out by 800mg of ibuprofen every eight hours and really pissed off that our Medical Insurance(the co-pay on cat scan is $125.00) and Provider (Sharp Reese Stealy)  are pieces of shit. It still is impossible for me to bend over or get up from sitting or even walk.  We are attempting to speed this process up, and get some answers and service.  Sharp Reese Stealy overloads their Doctors and this insurance is expensive ($1,000.00 a month)...what a joke. I guess we're all in the same boat.  So, going to make this short and sweet and go back to bed.

Edit:  Mike called SRS early this afternoon for someone to address this problem and was told someone would call him back.  They never called him back.

John King Takes On Trump Jr's attack: This Is Dangerous 


11 Bottles Of Beer On the Wall.....

 ~ From The Chicago Tribune/New York Times: 

The 11 Criminals Granted Clemency by Trump Had One Thing In Common: Connections


All The News:

Democracy Now ! 


Local Mayhem:

The last I checked  90 people executed in TIJ this month (which so far is incredibly low as compared to previous monthly totals - to early to tell if this is the beginning of a trend or just a lull in the action)) and we are back to body parts again both here and in Ensenada.  So, what you need to do is go to the link, drop down to to Noticias del Dia to stay informed.; infact hit all the links. You will notice the urgent call from the Mexican population to end the Femicides, and make a mental note to yourselves exactly how AMLO plans to deal with this outrage. Looks like CANACO has some good ideas, I'll post that a bit later. Big show of force in the Zona Rio a couple of days back:

Zeta Tijuana 


Unsure of when I'll be back kids...


 ~ Nevada Caucus tomorrow !

Friday, February 14, 2020

Shooting At SADM - Complete Details Not In Yet & We May Never See Them; Zeta Names the Guard Who Has Died As 30 Year Old Nestor Luis Gutierrez Alvarez, Gunshot Wounds To Head, Face and One Arm - 02/15 TIJ Stats: So Far, 75 dead, YTD TIJ = 244 Dead

SADM Looking North

Just moments ago on his walk with Paris, Mike ran into Reuban and was told that a couple of hours ago (that would be around 3:00pm ), one of the Guards of SADM was shot. Unknown at this moment if he survived the shooting or has died. This Guard was apparently the Chief Guard, unknown what his relationship is/was with the Tijuana Municipal Police.

Here is what Reuban told Mike:

The guard was investigating a  vehicle (Jeep) which had pulled off the  Scenic Highway between the North and South entrances to SADM (closer to the South entrance).  The driver of the Jeep pulled off the shoulder onto the flat open stretch in front of the wall and the first row of houses.

The guard went to investigate and upon approaching the vehicle, was shot in the chest.

@6:11pm: Mike called Reuban re status of the guard. According to Reuban the guard is alive but  in critical condition at Hospital.

This is bad...more details coming up as we get them .

Thanks Reuban & Carmen


Update/edit:  6:15pm:

No reports in yet on this developing story, keep an eye on the links:

 ~ From El Sol de Tijuana:


 ~ Zeta Tijuana 


Update/edit: 10:33pm: 

Still no coverage of this shooting on the local news sources.


UPDATES/EDIT 02/15/2020: 

This morning, Mike spoke with both Pete & Reuban who told him the guard died in the Hospital.

Still, no mention of the guard, the Scenic Highway or of SADM in the news sources; just like the old days.  We all know why there is no mention - due to tourism and real estate concerns. Same as we never hear anymore about the contaminated ocean and beaches right in front of us which none of us can enjoy or the vile lingering smell of raw sewage being dumped from behind us from Tijuana flowing down our barranca  onto the beach and into the sea (last dump was roughly two weeks ago in the early predawn hours.)

 There is no way in the world I will ever disbelieve Pete or Reuban, these are the best and most honest guys in the world . What we are also learning is that the guard was an "Auxiliary Officer" of the Tijuana Municipal Police Department. Welcome to Mexico.

These reports came in overnight and earlier this morning:

 ~ From El Sol de Tijuana:

Notice they say a man, not the guard or his name, nor where he was shot:

Continua La Violencia en Tijuana, Matan a 4 Durante el Viernes
Por, Daniel Angel Rubio

"Tijuana.- A man who was transferred from Playas de Rosarito died this morning at the General Hospital of the city.
According to the report of the State Attorney General's Office (FGE), the victim was received yesterday afternoon with gunshot wounds to the face, head and right forearm.

However, he died around midnight, about six hours after being received at the hospital, the investigating authority said. 

He also announced that during Friday he recorded four more murders in the city, where all the victims were men.
Among them one that was found with the feet and hands tied with a rope and a padlock, in addition to three head shots.
This was past nine o'clock at night in the Habitat white stones subdivision.
The prosecution also said that the body previously located in the Hippodrome Bureaucrats colony, in addition to being wrapped in a blanket had stab wounds and had no hands."

 ~ From Zeta:

5 Meurtos Mas en Tijuana, 75 Homicidios en lo que va de Febrero

Last paragraph:

"In the month of February in Tijuana, 75 malicious homicides have been recorded, of which 70 were male and 5 female.
Together with the killings of last January, there are 244 homicides.
Between Friday, February 14 and the first hours of this Saturday 15, five homicides were recorded, the first was at 12:49 on Friday in the El Rubí neighborhood, of the San Antonio de los Buenos delegation.
In the event, a man identified as Mario Alberto Romo Aguilera, 57, was found dead outside the home marked # 10 on Edmundo Guajardo Street. The man presented a firearm injury to the head, where 4 .380 caliber caps and 3 warheads were located.
A few hours later, in the vicinity of the Illusion Street of the El Porvenir neighborhood, another man was found dead. The body had blood spots on the head and did not carry any identification.
At 5:11 p.m., between the streets of Faisán and Paloma in the bureaucracy racecourse, a man identified as 33-year-old Manuel Carrillo Valencia was found dead. The body had wounds due to sharp sharp objects in the face and the hands were missing.
At 9:30 p.m., a man was found without life and with his limbs tied, in a neighborhood road of the Habitat Piedras Blancas subdivision, in the Natura district. The body did not have identification, rolled between 40 and 45 years of age.
In his hands he had black handcuffs, while the legs were fastened with a yellow nylon rope. It also had three head injuries, caused by a firearm and 3 .9 mm bushings were located there.
In the first minutes of Saturday, February 15, the death of Néstor Luis Gutiérrez Álvarez, 30, was reported at the Tijuana General Hospital. According to information provided by the hospital staff, the deceased had entered about 6 in the afternoon, from the Rosarito General Hospital with gunshot wounds to the head, face and one of his arms."

Shooting At SADM - Complete Details Not In Yet & We May Never See Them; Zeta Names the Guard Who Has Died As 30 Year Old Nestor Luis Gutierrez Alvarez, Gunshot Wounds To Head, Face and One Arm - 02/15 TIJ Stats: So Far, 75 dead, YTD TIJ = 244 Dead

SADM Looking North

Just moments ago on his walk with Paris, Mike ran into Reuban and was told that a couple of hours ago (that would be around 3:00pm ), one of the Guards of SADM was shot. Unknown at this moment if he survived the shooting or has died. This Guard was apparently the Chief Guard, unknown what his relationship is/was with the Tijuana Municipal Police.

Here is what Reuban told Mike:

The guard was investigating a  vehicle (Jeep) which had pulled off the  Scenic Highway between the North and South entrances to SADM (closer to the South entrance).  The driver of the Jeep pulled off the shoulder onto the flat open stretch in front of the wall and the first row of houses.

The guard went to investigate and upon approaching the vehicle, was shot in the chest.

@6:11pm: Mike called Reuban re status of the guard. According to Reuban the guard is alive but  in critical condition at Hospital.

This is bad...more details coming up as we get them .

Thanks Reuban & Carmen


Update/edit:  6:15pm:

No reports in yet on this developing story, keep an eye on the links:

 ~ From El Sol de Tijuana:


 ~ Zeta Tijuana 


Update/edit: 10:33pm: 

Still no coverage of this shooting on the local news sources.


UPDATES/EDIT 02/15/2020: 

This morning, Mike spoke with both Pete & Reuban who told him the guard died in the Hospital.

Still, no mention of the guard, the Scenic Highway or of SADM in the news sources; just like the old days.  We all know why there is no mention - due to tourism and real estate concerns. Same as we never hear anymore about the contaminated ocean and beaches right in front of us which none of us can enjoy or the vile lingering smell of raw sewage being dumped from behind us from Tijuana flowing down our barranca  onto the beach and into the sea (last dump was roughly two weeks ago in the early predawn hours.)

 There is no way in the world I will ever disbelieve Pete or Reuban, these are the best and most honest guys in the world . What we are also learning is that the guard was an "Auxiliary Officer" of the Tijuana Municipal Police Department. Welcome to Mexico.

These reports came in overnight and earlier this morning:

 ~ From El Sol de Tijuana:

Notice they say a man, not the guard or his name, nor where he was shot:

Continua La Violencia en Tijuana, Matan a 4 Durante el Viernes
Por, Daniel Angel Rubio

"Tijuana.- A man who was transferred from Playas de Rosarito died this morning at the General Hospital of the city.
According to the report of the State Attorney General's Office (FGE), the victim was received yesterday afternoon with gunshot wounds to the face, head and right forearm.

However, he died around midnight, about six hours after being received at the hospital, the investigating authority said. 

He also announced that during Friday he recorded four more murders in the city, where all the victims were men.
Among them one that was found with the feet and hands tied with a rope and a padlock, in addition to three head shots.
This was past nine o'clock at night in the Habitat white stones subdivision.
The prosecution also said that the body previously located in the Hippodrome Bureaucrats colony, in addition to being wrapped in a blanket had stab wounds and had no hands."

 ~ From Zeta:

5 Meurtos Mas en Tijuana, 75 Homicidios en lo que va de Febrero

Last paragraph:

"In the month of February in Tijuana, 75 malicious homicides have been recorded, of which 70 were male and 5 female.
Together with the killings of last January, there are 244 homicides.
Between Friday, February 14 and the first hours of this Saturday 15, five homicides were recorded, the first was at 12:49 on Friday in the El Rubí neighborhood, of the San Antonio de los Buenos delegation.
In the event, a man identified as Mario Alberto Romo Aguilera, 57, was found dead outside the home marked # 10 on Edmundo Guajardo Street. The man presented a firearm injury to the head, where 4 .380 caliber caps and 3 warheads were located.
A few hours later, in the vicinity of the Illusion Street of the El Porvenir neighborhood, another man was found dead. The body had blood spots on the head and did not carry any identification.
At 5:11 p.m., between the streets of Faisán and Paloma in the bureaucracy racecourse, a man identified as 33-year-old Manuel Carrillo Valencia was found dead. The body had wounds due to sharp sharp objects in the face and the hands were missing.
At 9:30 p.m., a man was found without life and with his limbs tied, in a neighborhood road of the Habitat Piedras Blancas subdivision, in the Natura district. The body did not have identification, rolled between 40 and 45 years of age.
In his hands he had black handcuffs, while the legs were fastened with a yellow nylon rope. It also had three head injuries, caused by a firearm and 3 .9 mm bushings were located there.
In the first minutes of Saturday, February 15, the death of Néstor Luis Gutiérrez Álvarez, 30, was reported at the Tijuana General Hospital. According to information provided by the hospital staff, the deceased had entered about 6 in the afternoon, from the Rosarito General Hospital with gunshot wounds to the head, face and one of his arms."

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Bernie Takes New Hampshire !!! We Have Some Tijuana Stats BTW...coming up...after the chamomile...02/13: UPDATE: THE STATS FOR TIJ: JANUARY ENDED WITH 169 EXECUTIONS; 62 SO FAR THIS MONTH YTD TIJ = 231; FEMICIDES RISING

I wasn't exactly calm this morning after the news about the reduction of the sentence  of the Trump scumbag and fellow gangster, Roger Stone:

 ~ From Politico: 02/11/20

"The reckoning following President Donald Trump’s impeachment acquittal came into sharper focus on Tuesday.

Less than a week after the Senate rejected two articles of impeachment against Trump, the president bashed federal prosecutors for recommending a stiff sentence for Roger Stone, attacked the judge overseeing high-profile cases involving his ex-advisers, and suggested that the military could discipline Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a star impeachment witness..."

Read More....

Trump Takes Post-Impeachment Reckoning to Next Level - 02/11/20
By, Josh Gerstein and Daniel Lippman 


That news was preceded by William our neighbor next door who is a Bernie supporter telling Mike that essentially Bernie would be buried by the DNC a few more primaries down the road, a CNN front page interview with  James Carville (Bill Clinton's campaign manager) warning the Democratic Party is losing it's collective mind promoting "radical" leftists (of course we are to assume he meant Bernie) and in so doing is doomed to failure in 2020 and the two following reports:

 ~ From Counterpunch: (and this one should make you cry)

The Game Is Rigged
By Paul Street

And for the record, we love Jeffrey St. Clair...sometimes I wonder what it would be like to meet him at a party if I were ever to be invited that is being from the upper balcony; probably I would be overwhelmed and dumbstruck and intimidated due to his Mensa level. But he broke my heart here, even though he is correct:

"+ Who says there are no second acts in American political life? The DNC is conspiring to change its nominating rules to stop Sanders at the convention in Milwaukee. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, your Uber has arrived…

+ The Democratic Party has finally begun to fight dirty like a real Resistance™ movement…against Bernie Sanders.

+ If voting could change anything, they’d make an app for it…(Apologies to Emma Goldman.)

+ Russia, if you’re listening, and you can find the missing votes in Iowa, America will be forever grateful…"

Read More Here, he covered the whole shebang:

 ~ From Counterpunch: 

Roaming Charges: When Satan Quotes Scripture - 02/07/20 
By, Jeffrey St. Clair 


Which brings us to this evening watching the returns from New Hampshire. I was on Needles and Pins-a, and after Bernie's Victory Speech, I cried in the dish water.  When the fawk is America ever going to get its shit together ?

Nine Minutes of Bliss:

 Would someone please wake me up and tell me this is NOT going to be a heartbreaker ?


Stats coming up, I desperately need a chamomile salt soak.


UPDATE/EDIT 02/13/2020:  Okay, finally some stats.  I think it is too early to tell if the drug war is winding down in our region..  You may want to compare the current numbers to last years... noticing a drop in the executions from the other Municipalities.  If you go to Zeta , click the Noticias del Dia and what I've also noticed seems to be a higher rate of drug seizures up and down the coast.  I need to mention that since the statement of Padre Solalinde last year, the National Guard itself has been involved in several  instances of corruption with drugs throughout their ranks and across the country, and of course their role has pivoted to the focus of holding back the Migrantes. 

 ~ From Zeta:

January of 2020 ended with 169 executions/homicides in Tijuana .  We are not receiving inside information at this point if the killers (sicarios) of the victims are recovering drug shipment/ locations from their adversaries then killing them and keeping this information for themselves or handing it over to the authorities, or even sharing it:

Concluye Enero Con 169 Homicidios en Tijuana
Por, Lourdes Liza Romero 

Just a bit after noon today, Zeta reports that 62 people have been executed in Tijuana so far this month, giving the city a YTD figure of 231 dead.  Importantly, the emphasis is on yet another femicide in Tijuana, bringing the number up to five so far this month and YTD 19 femicides in Tijuana.  There has been an ongoing movement not only in Tijuana but nationwide to protest the ever increasing numbers of femicides in Mexico, which have become status quo.

Matan a Otra Mujer, Van 19 en Tijuana en 2020 

"In a state of putrefaction, the body of a woman was located in an unpopulated area in the Abelardo L. Rodríguez dam, in Tijuana, on the night of Wednesday, February 12. With this fact they  have added 5 victims in the month, and 19 so far this year; according to figures from the State Security and Investigation Guard (GESI).
Information referring to ZETA, indicates that yesterday around 20:08 hours to the emergency center it was reported that on a neighborhood road, almost to the edge of the Rodriguez dam was the lifeless body of a woman.
Elements of the Municipal Police arrived at the site and confirmed the finding; Therefore, the presence of the State Research Agency's Processing Group was requested to carry out the corresponding procedures. So far the woman has not been identified.
In other malicious events on Wednesday, the murder of a man identified as Jesús González Jiménez, 28, was recorded. The victim had a head injury from a firearm projectile. The crime occurred on Estrella del Sur Street on the slopes of the hill of the Niño Artillero neighborhood.
Then, on Revolution Street and Fernando Montes De Oca, in the Arenales B neighborhood, the male body of approximately 50 years was located, which was covered with a blanket. The deceased, so far unidentified, was a bruised wound on his face.

Two men were arrested, after their alleged participation in a homicide registered in the La Gloria neighborhood, the morning of this Thursday, February 13.
Finally this morning of Thursday, February 13, a man was executed while traveling on Miguel Hidalgo Street, in La Gloria neighborhood. After the events the hitmen fled aboard a black Hyundai van, heading for the Free Rosarito-Tijuana Highway; site where a police persecution began that culminated in the streets Governor Lugo and Guillermo Prieto in the Cacho neighborhood. Two men were arrested and secured by a firearm.
So far this month, 62 people have been executed, while in the year 231 homicides have been recorded."


Over and out for now.  

end edit.  


Bernie Takes New Hampshire !!! We Have Some Tijuana Stats BTW...coming up...after the chamomile...02/13: UPDATE: THE STATS FOR TIJ: JANUARY ENDED WITH 169 EXECUTIONS; 62 SO FAR THIS MONTH YTD TIJ = 231; FEMICIDES RISING

I wasn't exactly calm this morning after the news about the reduction of the sentence  of the Trump scumbag and fellow gangster, Roger Stone:

 ~ From Politico: 02/11/20

"The reckoning following President Donald Trump’s impeachment acquittal came into sharper focus on Tuesday.

Less than a week after the Senate rejected two articles of impeachment against Trump, the president bashed federal prosecutors for recommending a stiff sentence for Roger Stone, attacked the judge overseeing high-profile cases involving his ex-advisers, and suggested that the military could discipline Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a star impeachment witness..."

Read More....

Trump Takes Post-Impeachment Reckoning to Next Level - 02/11/20
By, Josh Gerstein and Daniel Lippman 


That news was preceded by William our neighbor next door who is a Bernie supporter telling Mike that essentially Bernie would be buried by the DNC a few more primaries down the road, a CNN front page interview with  James Carville (Bill Clinton's campaign manager) warning the Democratic Party is losing it's collective mind promoting "radical" leftists (of course we are to assume he meant Bernie) and in so doing is doomed to failure in 2020 and the two following reports:

 ~ From Counterpunch: (and this one should make you cry)

The Game Is Rigged
By Paul Street

And for the record, we love Jeffrey St. Clair...sometimes I wonder what it would be like to meet him at a party if I were ever to be invited that is being from the upper balcony; probably I would be overwhelmed and dumbstruck and intimidated due to his Mensa level. But he broke my heart here, even though he is correct:

"+ Who says there are no second acts in American political life? The DNC is conspiring to change its nominating rules to stop Sanders at the convention in Milwaukee. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, your Uber has arrived…

+ The Democratic Party has finally begun to fight dirty like a real Resistance™ movement…against Bernie Sanders.

+ If voting could change anything, they’d make an app for it…(Apologies to Emma Goldman.)

+ Russia, if you’re listening, and you can find the missing votes in Iowa, America will be forever grateful…"

Read More Here, he covered the whole shebang:

 ~ From Counterpunch: 

Roaming Charges: When Satan Quotes Scripture - 02/07/20 
By, Jeffrey St. Clair 


Which brings us to this evening watching the returns from New Hampshire. I was on Needles and Pins-a, and after Bernie's Victory Speech, I cried in the dish water.  When the fawk is America ever going to get its shit together ?

Nine Minutes of Bliss:

 Would someone please wake me up and tell me this is NOT going to be a heartbreaker ?


Stats coming up, I desperately need a chamomile salt soak.


UPDATE/EDIT 02/13/2020:  Okay, finally some stats.  I think it is too early to tell if the drug war is winding down in our region..  You may want to compare the current numbers to last years... noticing a drop in the executions from the other Municipalities.  If you go to Zeta , click the Noticias del Dia and what I've also noticed seems to be a higher rate of drug seizures up and down the coast.  I need to mention that since the statement of Padre Solalinde last year, the National Guard itself has been involved in several  instances of corruption with drugs throughout their ranks and across the country, and of course their role has pivoted to the focus of holding back the Migrantes. 

 ~ From Zeta:

January of 2020 ended with 169 executions/homicides in Tijuana .  We are not receiving inside information at this point if the killers (sicarios) of the victims are recovering drug shipment/ locations from their adversaries then killing them and keeping this information for themselves or handing it over to the authorities, or even sharing it:

Concluye Enero Con 169 Homicidios en Tijuana
Por, Lourdes Liza Romero 

Just a bit after noon today, Zeta reports that 62 people have been executed in Tijuana so far this month, giving the city a YTD figure of 231 dead.  Importantly, the emphasis is on yet another femicide in Tijuana, bringing the number up to five so far this month and YTD 19 femicides in Tijuana.  There has been an ongoing movement not only in Tijuana but nationwide to protest the ever increasing numbers of femicides in Mexico, which have become status quo.

Matan a Otra Mujer, Van 19 en Tijuana en 2020 

"In a state of putrefaction, the body of a woman was located in an unpopulated area in the Abelardo L. Rodríguez dam, in Tijuana, on the night of Wednesday, February 12. With this fact they  have added 5 victims in the month, and 19 so far this year; according to figures from the State Security and Investigation Guard (GESI).
Information referring to ZETA, indicates that yesterday around 20:08 hours to the emergency center it was reported that on a neighborhood road, almost to the edge of the Rodriguez dam was the lifeless body of a woman.
Elements of the Municipal Police arrived at the site and confirmed the finding; Therefore, the presence of the State Research Agency's Processing Group was requested to carry out the corresponding procedures. So far the woman has not been identified.
In other malicious events on Wednesday, the murder of a man identified as Jesús González Jiménez, 28, was recorded. The victim had a head injury from a firearm projectile. The crime occurred on Estrella del Sur Street on the slopes of the hill of the Niño Artillero neighborhood.
Then, on Revolution Street and Fernando Montes De Oca, in the Arenales B neighborhood, the male body of approximately 50 years was located, which was covered with a blanket. The deceased, so far unidentified, was a bruised wound on his face.

Two men were arrested, after their alleged participation in a homicide registered in the La Gloria neighborhood, the morning of this Thursday, February 13.
Finally this morning of Thursday, February 13, a man was executed while traveling on Miguel Hidalgo Street, in La Gloria neighborhood. After the events the hitmen fled aboard a black Hyundai van, heading for the Free Rosarito-Tijuana Highway; site where a police persecution began that culminated in the streets Governor Lugo and Guillermo Prieto in the Cacho neighborhood. Two men were arrested and secured by a firearm.
So far this month, 62 people have been executed, while in the year 231 homicides have been recorded."


Over and out for now.  

end edit.